Hey, nice game you made there!
Some things that I think may help you to improve it, but keep in mind most things are subjective.
So, I agree that the general walking feels a bit off, although it’s hard to say why exactly. The speed I think is fine and I like the jumping as long as you don’t change the direction mid-air - then it feels a bit hard to control.
For example in Level 2, you have to jump between spikes and drop down straight. If I press ‘A’ (to go left) once shortly, the character still has too much movement to the right and if I hold it longer it goes too much to the left. I think it should be possible to hold the characters horizontal movement still easily, like pressing ‘A’ once to fall somewhat straight, but that may be more of a design decision.
Aside from that, I think you should limit the wall jumping at least so that you can’t go a wall straight up. Jumping between walls feels good though!
Visually, the assets look great of course, but you can give it a much more polished feel by emitting particles depending on the tile the char landed on, like just little squares in the tiles color to give a ‘landing’ effect. Also, you could make some of the foliage move when you walk through or hit it. Of course that’s only polishing, but it would also make the movement feel better and more satisfying I think.
The level design was good, I liked Level 2 especially. :)
My times for Level 1+2 were 2+ minutes and level 3 about 5 minutes.
Hope this is of help, I had a fun time playing it! :D