The plot of this thing is hilariously absurd. The opening crawl epitomizes So Bad It's Good, and the fact that the text doesn't quite line up with the description is a plus, not a minus. The gameplay concept reminds me of old flash games and definitely fits this jam; it's janky but a lot of fun. Using the price of the ingredients as the score was a great weird choice too. The graphics are appealing and maybe a little too nice to SBIG, but the a capella music fits perfectly.
There are a few issues, but to be honest they're pretty minor. One is that the difficulty doesn't scale linearly; I got some easy recipes, and then a full course meal. Another is that because there's no break between rounds, I didn't have time to read what the recipes were actually for (eg Hot Dog) and I felt like I was missing flavour text. Finally, the hit detection isn't the best, though it's not so bad the game is unplayable.
I think this is one of the best (or at least most so-bad-it's-good) entries I've played so far.