Respect Of the Theme - Very respectful and beautiful interpretation of the theme. Mechanically the "player" falls. Its during fall. very nice!
Originality - Very original idea! I love it!
Fun to play - I did not ever plant in soil I don't think. The player falls pretty fast unless pressing space a bunch and even then, pretty fast. I did ride the air circles a bit but never found soil. I really wish I could have skipped the lose screens. I wish there was an indicator the nearest soil spot so or a distance to it so I know my progress.
Effort - Cutscenes, Good (but very very very quiet) music if not for others posting about the guitar I would not have know to turn my speaker up to hear it, animations, varied building and windows on said buildings. You've created a lot of assets in such a short time. I feel ike with more time the gameplay could have been polished but I see you submitted 1.5 hours before so you ran the time. Great base hope you build more on it.
Beauty - 5/5 - Very beautiful!