Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working. The main menu is in responsive :(
Tired clicking, enter, space, and other random keys.
I tried using arrows and WASD to move around, no response from the game.
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Fun game! I was able to repair the machine.
I enjoyed the visuals and the sassy dialog.
I had trouble reconciling the use limitation, though.
In the game/story, we are fixing something broken / breaking.
We are creating circuits, but we're not destroying anything to do that creation.
The second to last levels were a tad frustrating until you found the trick to them.
Overall, it was a solid entry! If you have a moment, please give ours a try as well!
Original Text:
Great interpretation of the theme and limitation!
I enjoyed playing a round from beginning to end.
General Feedback:
I think the particle effect would have looked better under the cell than on top.
I didn't know about dashing until about one and a half minutes in; a quick prompt for controls would have served well.
Overall, it's a solid entry; keep it up!
If you have a moment, please give our entry a try as well! https://itch.io/jam/mini-jam-179-energy/rate/3368853
Machine Translated to Portuguese
Ótima interpretação do tema e da limitação!
Eu gostei de jogar uma rodada do início ao fim.
Feedback Geral:
Eu acho que o efeito de partículas teria ficado melhor abaixo da célula do que em cima.
Eu não soube sobre o dash até cerca de um minuto e meio de jogo; um rápido prompt de controles teria sido útil.
No geral, é uma entrada sólida; continue assim!
Se você tiver um momento, por favor, experimente nossa entrada também! https://itch.io/jam/mini-jam-179-energy/rate/3368853
Great presentation! I liked the shader for the background nebula fading about.
Fantastic interpretation of the limitation!
The gameplay was a little nebulous *bu dum tiss*
No sounds or music made it feel lonely, like space.
I think enjoyment would've been higher with a more defined gameplay goal and loop and more control and feedback for the player. Overall, though, good entry!
If you have a moment, please give ours a try as well: https://itch.io/jam/mini-jam-179-energy/rate/3368853
5s across the board!
The perfect length of gameplay for a jam!
The music was lovely.
The presentation was excellent!
The use of limitation was spot on!
If you have time, please give ours a try as well!
I like the idea and the presentation! Trying to find the perfect setup to beat the dragon is interesting. Unfortunately, it seems very RNG whether a path to victory is generated. This would be a very good product with a few more ways the player could affect the board.
The use of the limitation "creation through destruction" is a bit disjointed though present.
Because the way to victory is so random, I felt I had little control over the outcome, hitting my enjoyment a bit.
Great entry, keep it up!
If you have time please give our game a try as well: https://itch.io/jam/mini-jam-179-energy/rate/3368853
Watched your playthrough! Super valuable feedback given and watching you play shed a lot of light on things for us. Some things were due to time but some things we just hadn't considered. Thank you for sharing and playing! Followed on Twitch. Can't wait for our next jam hope you'll take a look then as well.
Thanks again. meant a lot to us!
Respect Of the Theme - Falling crab very respectful
Originality - Falling crab with a gun, does it get any more original? I loved it! Same level of meme-ry and silliness as some of the stuff in our games (granny obstacles) love it!
Fun to play - Using mouse n keyboard it was easy to get stuck up top. However it was fun trying to survive up to that point. A button to force the crab to descend a bit faster for PC controls would have been welcome.
Effort - Moving platforms, gun mechanic, modified gravity to simulate falling solid effort.
Beauty - A bit all over the place but to me that gave it this sort of hodgepodge charm. Again just loved the sort of "do whatever and make it fun" feel.
Respect Of the Theme - Very respectful of the theme. Falling level. Survive!
Originality - There a re a few falling platform games on here but I feel this was the best executed visually and mechanically.
Fun to play - I played about 4-5 times and never survived very long. I found I could just hold W and move about to stay alive. Even then the platforms moved to fast and I died quickly.
Effort - A lot of efforts to the GFX, very colorful, very cool looking! The balance is a bit off and its missing a WOW factor in fun. Otherwise very solid and is a complete project within the time frame, well done!
Beauty - Very beautiful!
Respect Of the Theme - Block ✅ | falling ✅
Originality - dodge the spike platformer with interesting controls.
Fun to play - Too hard to control with a mouse on PC. didn't beat level 3. Could be fun if PC was given better control and the control used was just for mobile.
Effort - falling block, static bodies, check against spikes. Not a lot mechanically. But well executed enough. Wish the pc controls were better.
Beauty - turn off the pixel filter, the gfx were blurry. otherwise I like the color variance. I like the spikes crystal-y design. I like the simple red square.
Respect Of the Theme = parachuteto lower platforms; fits the theme!
Originality - parachuting is certainly unique as a mean of movement in this jam
Fun to play - Very buggy movement. Hard consistently control. Got stuck in floor blocks. Sometimes I wouldn't reset after falling. The music really hurt the experience.
Effort - You had 9 more hours it looks before the deadline. I really wish the mechanics were a bit more polished and the game played a bit better. Over you deliver a completed project and that in and of itself is worth celebrating. Keep learning, keep growing!
Beauty - Title screen was beautiful.
Respect Of the Theme - The world certainly is falling! which fits the theme.
Originality - Platformer but the level falls. I've seen this in platformers before but its not usually the whole level so points there!
Fun to play - I could not get past the first obstacle. I think I was supposed to hide under the falling piece before and glitch / jump above them then jump to the next area? If so it was way to hard to do and it felt glitchy to play. I love the idea and with polish I think this could turn into something really fun!
Effort - Unique ideas are always more difficult because there is less to pull / learn from. I think you went to hoe your own road. I think you just needed more time to do so.
Beauty - Very basic gfx but the player had some animation and the falling level was interesting!
Respect Of the Theme - falling... alien? Well the main mechanic is falling anyway!
Originality - Very I have no idea what to even compare it to!
Fun to play - I though the menu was the game at first since I could control the character. I did just happen upon hitting enter and the real game started. I get the camera being close is what makes it a leap of faith. That said I didn't like. The falling was super slow. I was just kinda guessing on where to move. There didn't seem to be a goal beyond getting a higher score. Not bad, but not for me.
Effort - A lot effort went into the visual I think. Very interesting. TV aesthetic was unique. pretty basic platforming but that can take a while to develop depending on the engine, this one I had not heard before! All in all well done on having a complete project by the deadline.
Beauty - I don't know how I feel about this game looks wise. its interesting in its affects. The music is strangely off-putting, but maybe in a good way? The gfx otherwise are pretty basic. I truly don't know whether this is really good or not, but it is strange and unique!
Respect Of the Theme - I think because the skeleton head is affected by gravity it is falling? I feel like it missed the theme just a bit.
Originality - Super original in story and mechanics. A free roaming, level based, angry bird! Great!
Fun to play - I want so badly to rate this higher! Unfortunately I ran into a bug, holding movement to long makes the player spaz out and get stuck in walls. It made me die a good number of times. I wasn't sure if I was doing well either since the skeleton was sassy xD, if I do better would the skeleton compliment me?
Effort - Uploaded 48 minutes to deadline. Honestly I could feel the effort here, there is a lot going on! Buttons, bones, dynamic moving obstacles, puzzle based levels, you really dug in and brought your A game. I hate the experience was affected by bugs because it really could be a strong contender.
Beauty - The GFX are really good and consistent! well done!
Example of buggy movement:
Respect Of the Theme - Very respectful of the theme. The floor is lava mixed with the sky (world) is falling. well done!
Originality - The floor is lava mixed with the sky (world) is falling. Again great combination of ideas! Very original for the jam as far as I have seen!
Fun to play - I like the fact the difficulty progresses. The down side is there is no mechanic to help the player to keep going. I feel like it caps out at 50-60 due to the speed of the level and limitation on the input. Using the dive you can get far but even that hits a limit. That said I enjoyed trying to reach those levels!
Effort - A merger of two ideas. Some well thought out and executed platforming mechanics. The down dive was certainly an answer to the infinitely increasing difficulty. I felt the effort and thought that went into the game. Keep it up!
Beauty - Varied platforms, glowing lava. decent sounds. The GFX served well their purposes.
Respect Of the Theme - I feel this is more flying than falling while playing. Especially since I have so much control.
Originality - Its a "dodge the stuff" game and there are no mechanics implements to really make it shine as its own identity. "1 day, 6 hours before the deadline" I feel more time could have been used to build something unique out of this base.
Fun to play - Unfortunately, my attention was not held. Mostly I could stay in one spot and just move every once in a while to avoid obstacles. Maybe something came up and the full time could not be dedicated which is fair! However I hope in the future we'll see a more completed and mechanically interesting experience.
Effort - Everyone is at a different stage and learning so take with a grain of salt. In this experience we have a randomly spawning set of colliders move towards the player and a collision detection system. We also have a a score counter and some fancy shading effects. I feel more time could have been used to make the game shine and implement more.
Beauty - Basic shapes, no player model. A decent reticule and some decent shading. Not a lot but you made those basic shapes and bit more interesting with some effects.
Respect Of the Theme - catch the falling guys and eat them. Very direct to the theme but with a bit more added.
Originality - Very original for the theme and what else has been uploaded, well done!
Fun to play - There doesn't seem to be an increase in difficulty over time or progression beyond the score; this wasn't enough to hold my attention for long. Having a controller plugged in makes the keyboard not work correctly. Luckily I tried the control otherwise I would not have been able to play. See movement bug below for more details. Aside from that very fluid, I like the wrapping around of the player. If there was a bit more to it I think this could have been really fun. You had an additional 12 hours to go I wish that time could have been used to add more.
Effort - There wasn't to much happening mechanically. A score counter. A collision with a player object and random spawning edible bits. With that and ending 12 hours early I feel like their could have been more effort to make something with a bit more punch. Of course life happens and maybe using that time wasn't feasible so I understand totally if that is the case. The important bit is it is a finished project and you released it for us to enjoy. Thank you and keep it up!
Beauty - I wasn't a fan of the assets from the menu to the monster. I did like the little guys and nibbly bits. I did also like the bg. Overall it was serviceable for beauty.
Keep up the good work, keep learning, keep creating!
Respect Of the Theme - Very respectful and beautiful interpretation of the theme. Mechanically the "player" falls. Its during fall. very nice!
Originality - Very original idea! I love it!
Fun to play - I did not ever plant in soil I don't think. The player falls pretty fast unless pressing space a bunch and even then, pretty fast. I did ride the air circles a bit but never found soil. I really wish I could have skipped the lose screens. I wish there was an indicator the nearest soil spot so or a distance to it so I know my progress.
Effort - Cutscenes, Good (but very very very quiet) music if not for others posting about the guitar I would not have know to turn my speaker up to hear it, animations, varied building and windows on said buildings. You've created a lot of assets in such a short time. I feel ike with more time the gameplay could have been polished but I see you submitted 1.5 hours before so you ran the time. Great base hope you build more on it.
Beauty - 5/5 - Very beautiful!
Respect Of the Theme - Very respectful and conveys its intent to honor the theme clearly.
Originality - I don't feel as though the mechanics really pushed "falling" beyond the initial prompt.
Fun to play - This game relies on a trial / error methodology of progression. I would have liked a map maybe of the level so I could make informed decisions on where to jump. The timer made me think "get to the bottom as fast as possible" eg. "platforms and things that slow you down bad" I died from fall damage. I think the metric by witch a player measure progress is juxtaposed to mechanics at play.
Effort - There are a few systems at play in this game, pickups, death traps, fall damage, platforming, timers, and multiple levels. This is a lot to implement in ~48 hours. For that, well done and congratulations!
Beauty - Consistent, crisp, pixely. Very yes, well done!
Well done, smooth controls, clear indicators, nice SFX.
Very respectful of the theme.
In terms of originality its exactly what the prompt asked for but didn't try to strain the idea or take it in an unexpected direction.
Fun to play - Straightforward and intuitive. Able to win in a few tries. Not a ton of replay value but the experience was enjoyable. I wish it was a tad faster paced in general. I wish there was some music to match that pace.
Effort - Its very polished; I haven't run into bugs. Sometime the obstacles will leave in an unwinnable situation but its short so restarting is painless. However, you uploaded this 15 hours before the deadline and I feel that could have been used to do much more.
Beauty - I like the aesthetics. very smooth animations. Good parallax. Love the silhouettes.
Overall a solid entry but does leave some to be desired and barring life affecting the time you had available I feel like more could have been done.