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(3 edits) (+2)


Been playing this for longer than an hour now.

I quite like the way you earn traits. Them not being by level up but by interaction with your surroundings is fun. (Sad that the MC is not the main mage, but eh.... at least he is a magic swordsman. I will take what i can get. Though i still hope that he can grow into more of a spell caster than a swordsman over the journey lol)

It looks quite good.

Annamnesis does not work with Alleviate. (Had 10/11 and it never recovered any, not even after the battle was over, will try with others too., yeah doesnt work with any spells.)

Movement speed feels slow

Grinding is a bit of a chore, due to the low encounter rate. (Maybe there is a chance for an encounter rate boost in options?)

So far I am having fun, time to continue in the mine i guess lol

Have a good day.

Edit: Kinda sad we can't loot the "late night merchant" after his death. He had some decent items :/

Edit2: So I am done. So my feedback now.

I like it, i really do. Especially Vine failing his last stand and not pulling a last ditch win. (Tried everything to beat her, but sadly it is made in a way i will lose for sure :/ Guillotine Smash, poisoning, etc don't work and i suspect if poison worked i wouldn't live long enough to deplete her HP. Sad but fun.

Animationwise its good.

I had liked more traits and spells to be gained (especially from books... maybe the amount of books read will have an affect on spell count later? I dunno. I found 23)

Sadly the combat is still very straightforward, would look forward to more combos and the like (I mean that you could burn people with spells and abuse it with normal attacks/soul attacks, etc. Or maybe making enemies vulnerable to other magic spells trough it i dunno.)

Its a solid start. I wish you luck. Even if it seems like a typical story (what isnt with how much is out now?) it is well executed. But maybe make the alleviated casted in the cutscene work and decrease the count and so on, also could have killed like 5-6 of those foes so that they had so much trouble with them in the cutscene is weird. The tree was so much stronger.

Edit3: Forgot to mention, starting level 1 as last year knights and 0 battles is.... weird. lol

Thank you so much for your insightful comment! We are glad you liked it so far! And you even found some nice little glitches ;)
Thank you for your feedback, we will take each and everyone into consideration!


(1 edit)

Hi Fooljastic,

First of all thank you very much for playing our demo of Valiant Souls, and for taking the time to write such an extensive feedback. This version is kind of a "stealth" release for our close friends, and we were surprised someone found the game and incredibly honored  you took the time to play through it.

Thank you for the feedback especially regarding the encounter rate, this is something we've been working quite hard on balancing (many games with RPG Maker tend to have battles every 3 steps... xD) but I agree it could be a few battles more for each area, we'll be trying to balance that a bit more in the next version.

Also thank you for your feedback on traits and spells. There will be a lot more to gain in the main game, but traits are usually learned through executing special events in towns (e.g. by triggering dialogue events with NPCs or among the main characters) as well as progressing through the story, as all traits and spells are based on the 8 emotions in the Skill Tree. We don't have a nice UI for that yet, and the traits you can find in the first chapter with the Rune Knights act as a "tutorial" for that system, that's why the number is fairly low in the demo. Combat will be the same, there are some examples of enemy weaknesses or things you can do with Soul Arts in the demo, but there will be much more in the "main" game - the Rune Knight chapter is just the start. 

Also thank you on the feedback regarding start with level 1, never thought of that, but it kind of makes sense to not have them be Level 1 indeed. The battle counter is for the player though. ;-) 

Also thank you for reading through all the books, I hope you found some of the side quests and hidden content as well that we've placed in the first chapter, we aim to have a lot of short events or little hidden things here and there to find for players apart from the main story, which definitely is a straightforward classic RPG story, thank you for your comment regarding the feel of the story as well, it's exactly what we wanted.

Sorry for not making it able to beat Themis in the last battle of the demo, you are definitely not supposed to, but kudos for trying so hard. There will be a time when you might be able to get a second chance against her. ;-)

It will take a few years until our game is ready, the first chapter is only about 5~10% of the whole story, but thanks for following our page here, we are doing our best to finish the game and hope you will also play the final version once it's done. 

Have a great day and thank you again for your incredibly kind feedback!


Hey there you two,

I would also like to mention, unless there is a very high count of traits, that the stat boost and the like are rather... negligible.

2% HP boost from one trait is really nothing

0,5% cnounter rate? math would say you need to be very, very lucky to execute that.

1% EXP? Also the same

Though if you can stack them with others they might be useful, but as you said this is far from completed and i assume a lot are placeholders.

Can't really say if i found hidden content, though i would give you guys the tip, if you want an immersive world, you can make some comments when we look at say barrels, that they are closed, give of a certain smell, etc. Its a lot of work to do that, sure, but at the end many would like that i would bet. (Beyond the sparkles that indicate there is treasure)

Additionally a dash option would probably be good as well, though you probably took that out for a reason.

Visually the game is really appealing as well. (Well done maps there. Though the mine cart thing felt like a chore when i went back there to gather those last two chests.... lol but that was the only time it felt like a chore ngl.)

Furthermore, i hope we get a way to get those nifty shields the monsters have (kuddos that you didnt forget to take them from the cultists and themis, so i assume we won't get them anytime soon if at all.. ).

And i check itch.io daily and follow interesting looking projects. Only pays of every few months, but i am glad it did today =P

Additionally.... the prices seem to be all over the place. And its... also weird how little those 4 have available. Cause everyone should have had 10 roots (10/4 = 2,5 and i doubt you get half a root) at the beginning.... maybe have them say they used quite a bit of stuff going there.  Or that they left most of it in there room (To claim later... or maybe it was stolen? Who knows.) But this is nitpicking on small details. haha

Have a good day again. I expected way more bugs for a demo but i didn't get to cliff out of the map yet lol

Thanks for your additional feedback! :)
Many of the things you have thought about we've actually also had on our mind before, so im feeling like we are on the same page about a few things :)
The dash for example, as you suspected we took it out, that was because it just neither looked nor felt good and we wan to improve on that drastcally before we add it.
We were also already thinking about inserting more flavor by being able to inspect interesting stuff in the world.

I am very happy that you played it to the end, and that you find our project interesting :)
We will keep working hard to make the release day be reasonable (we a re mostly a two man team after all)
