Been playing this for longer than an hour now.
I quite like the way you earn traits. Them not being by level up but by interaction with your surroundings is fun. (Sad that the MC is not the main mage, but eh.... at least he is a magic swordsman. I will take what i can get. Though i still hope that he can grow into more of a spell caster than a swordsman over the journey lol)
It looks quite good.
Annamnesis does not work with Alleviate. (Had 10/11 and it never recovered any, not even after the battle was over, will try with others too., yeah doesnt work with any spells.)
Movement speed feels slow
Grinding is a bit of a chore, due to the low encounter rate. (Maybe there is a chance for an encounter rate boost in options?)
So far I am having fun, time to continue in the mine i guess lol
Have a good day.
Edit: Kinda sad we can't loot the "late night merchant" after his death. He had some decent items :/
Edit2: So I am done. So my feedback now.
I like it, i really do. Especially Vine failing his last stand and not pulling a last ditch win. (Tried everything to beat her, but sadly it is made in a way i will lose for sure :/ Guillotine Smash, poisoning, etc don't work and i suspect if poison worked i wouldn't live long enough to deplete her HP. Sad but fun.
Animationwise its good.
I had liked more traits and spells to be gained (especially from books... maybe the amount of books read will have an affect on spell count later? I dunno. I found 23)
Sadly the combat is still very straightforward, would look forward to more combos and the like (I mean that you could burn people with spells and abuse it with normal attacks/soul attacks, etc. Or maybe making enemies vulnerable to other magic spells trough it i dunno.)
Its a solid start. I wish you luck. Even if it seems like a typical story (what isnt with how much is out now?) it is well executed. But maybe make the alleviated casted in the cutscene work and decrease the count and so on, also could have killed like 5-6 of those foes so that they had so much trouble with them in the cutscene is weird. The tree was so much stronger.
Edit3: Forgot to mention, starting level 1 as last year knights and 0 battles is.... weird. lol