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A member registered Aug 22, 2018

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Was there a fix for the below mentioned victor engine incompability yet?

Have a good one.


I am curious, did you ever plan to make a city tileset for the "villains"? Or do you have one that is specifically for villains, if yes i havent found it yet? As in a town with lots of purple and black with the "normal" things looking just a bit darker? See it as a suggestion if not =P

Don't have anything to give as an example, except maybe the witchs house tileset, but i feel like personally, that this would be rather helpful. Maybe with some purple plants etc (Very similar to those in the witches house just.... looking a bit more... evil as if corrupted by something?) 

Maybe with some doorways that are more portals than anything as an option? We have snow and a lot of tohers but nothing that outright screams evil. Would be really cool. 

Funnily enough we do have the dark academia pack but that looks mostly not really evil. heh

Have a good one, no matter the answer.


Thanks for the offer, would the invoice be enough or would you need say the paypal invoice too? I would honestly hope is enough, ;)

I will see your for sure in summer then :D Maybe sooner.

Where should I contact you guys than? If i take you up on your offer? or Or at another e-mail adress?

Have a good one

Hello there!

Good to know its not a new one :D

Will be happy to buy it whenever you guys make it. Though i assume that will be a while... xD Well doesn't matter as i am quite a way from actually starting beyond learning.

You deserve the support.  Your packs are amazing for rpg maker games and i look forward to actually learn how to map correctly with them myself now. =P

Have started trying with the dark academia pack already (and bought at least 50 others) and i have to say its really cool. Mix and matching things will be fun too once i get the hang of things.

Sorry i went on a tangent there. What i want to say is, your packs are amazing and you do deserve support. I will certainly complete the current "collection".

Wish you guys a good day and a very successfull time.

Have a good one :D

Hey there!

Any dedicated medieval/fantasy farms planned? I am curious, since those would be neat. Have bought quite a few of your packs, almost trough the fantasy stuff i want, but i haven't seen a dedicated farm with a medieval vibe. If i am missing something can you point me in the right direction? =P

Everyone always overlooks the most common things... xD

Have a good One


I assume you can't get them as OGG and need to use a converter manually for that?

Also will there be a sale for the magic packs this year? =P If yes, any clue when?

Have a good one.


With a hue i mean either that you how can i explain this.... for an example change the colour of the entire sprite or a sort of sheen over it? While with transparency I mean an opacity change, since it doesn't seem to work with gimp and only some online tools.

Yeah i noticed that part, but they just don't look child like in the facesets. you can get around it to a degree, but some more support for that would be cool.

Wish you a good day.

Hello there!

I would like to suggest, to add a button to add transparency as well as child models and fitting "weaponry" (Toy swords, sticks etc).

Additionally an option to add a "hue" would be very cool too.

Have a good one.

(1 edit)

[Leers at the first encounter after carrying over the save]

Did you add a new cobra, or did you get rid of the old one? I got a message that the cobra picture couldn't be loaded... :/

(Happened on the first floor)

Hello there.

It certainly seems like a promising dungeon crawler.

Had hoped to be able to "master" at least 3 classes but i can live with 2 =P 

Will check in than and now. Maybe not for every little update but yeah.

Also might I ask if you plan to add more training methods for "mixed" class users? Like for an example trainings you can unlock if you say have x2 scholar and x2 mystic? For people that want to cross such paths?

Yeah i love wandering troops that aren't just the boring same deal. The Merchant mid battle was cool especially... (Though robbing him could be even cooler. Albeit bad if done too often....)

Have a good one.

(1 edit)

So have played trough the first floor.

That bird sage/cleric birdo was not that strong, though it helped i was level 5 lol

Anyways some things I do want to add:

Sage feels weak. Maybe move the missile spell earlier and the first buff later. Additionally, maybe add in the description what stat a class favors.(I was playing a sage/elementalist with scholar training as the main char sage was only once useful in combat and i only deciphered one thing)

Now lets go to elementalist. Its a good class, but it does have too many abilities, which should be spread out more. Or make it obvious, how they gain spells only at level xxx. Maybe some book about that somewhere? Just for the earliest stages.

The second was a healer/warden deal. Wasn't all that useful.

The third was a warrior/soldier/adventurer cross. Fighter and warrior seemed really weak. (Adventurers light ability tough.... godly. Useful. :D )

The fourth was a hunter/and i think saboteur.  Ngl for a "melee" class this early one of the best options when you have a decent sage cause it synergizes with the speed up very well during the boss fight.

Now i like that we encounter merchants and wandering cleric troops. If possible, more such encounters would be nice. Maybe even bandits that are slightly stronger, which you can avoid fighting if say pay with gold, and so on.

Have a good one.

Edit: Not aware on how far this counts as "i dont want to change anything" but i put this out anyways. lol I will certainly say that that is already far better fleshed out than previous deals. xD

Many audios missing like jingle one, whatever plays when you encounter the knights etc.

Investing points doesn't seem to grant skills, etc....

Have a good new year :D

Hopefully it all turns out well for you guys.

I am certainly going to keep an eye on this.

Hey there you two,

I would also like to mention, unless there is a very high count of traits, that the stat boost and the like are rather... negligible.

2% HP boost from one trait is really nothing

0,5% cnounter rate? math would say you need to be very, very lucky to execute that.

1% EXP? Also the same

Though if you can stack them with others they might be useful, but as you said this is far from completed and i assume a lot are placeholders.

Can't really say if i found hidden content, though i would give you guys the tip, if you want an immersive world, you can make some comments when we look at say barrels, that they are closed, give of a certain smell, etc. Its a lot of work to do that, sure, but at the end many would like that i would bet. (Beyond the sparkles that indicate there is treasure)

Additionally a dash option would probably be good as well, though you probably took that out for a reason.

Visually the game is really appealing as well. (Well done maps there. Though the mine cart thing felt like a chore when i went back there to gather those last two chests.... lol but that was the only time it felt like a chore ngl.)

Furthermore, i hope we get a way to get those nifty shields the monsters have (kuddos that you didnt forget to take them from the cultists and themis, so i assume we won't get them anytime soon if at all.. ).

And i check daily and follow interesting looking projects. Only pays of every few months, but i am glad it did today =P

Additionally.... the prices seem to be all over the place. And its... also weird how little those 4 have available. Cause everyone should have had 10 roots (10/4 = 2,5 and i doubt you get half a root) at the beginning.... maybe have them say they used quite a bit of stuff going there.  Or that they left most of it in there room (To claim later... or maybe it was stolen? Who knows.) But this is nitpicking on small details. haha

Have a good day again. I expected way more bugs for a demo but i didn't get to cliff out of the map yet lol

(3 edits)


Been playing this for longer than an hour now.

I quite like the way you earn traits. Them not being by level up but by interaction with your surroundings is fun. (Sad that the MC is not the main mage, but eh.... at least he is a magic swordsman. I will take what i can get. Though i still hope that he can grow into more of a spell caster than a swordsman over the journey lol)

It looks quite good.

Annamnesis does not work with Alleviate. (Had 10/11 and it never recovered any, not even after the battle was over, will try with others too., yeah doesnt work with any spells.)

Movement speed feels slow

Grinding is a bit of a chore, due to the low encounter rate. (Maybe there is a chance for an encounter rate boost in options?)

So far I am having fun, time to continue in the mine i guess lol

Have a good day.

Edit: Kinda sad we can't loot the "late night merchant" after his death. He had some decent items :/

Edit2: So I am done. So my feedback now.

I like it, i really do. Especially Vine failing his last stand and not pulling a last ditch win. (Tried everything to beat her, but sadly it is made in a way i will lose for sure :/ Guillotine Smash, poisoning, etc don't work and i suspect if poison worked i wouldn't live long enough to deplete her HP. Sad but fun.

Animationwise its good.

I had liked more traits and spells to be gained (especially from books... maybe the amount of books read will have an affect on spell count later? I dunno. I found 23)

Sadly the combat is still very straightforward, would look forward to more combos and the like (I mean that you could burn people with spells and abuse it with normal attacks/soul attacks, etc. Or maybe making enemies vulnerable to other magic spells trough it i dunno.)

Its a solid start. I wish you luck. Even if it seems like a typical story (what isnt with how much is out now?) it is well executed. But maybe make the alleviated casted in the cutscene work and decrease the count and so on, also could have killed like 5-6 of those foes so that they had so much trouble with them in the cutscene is weird. The tree was so much stronger.

Edit3: Forgot to mention, starting level 1 as last year knights and 0 battles is.... weird. lol


That does sound neat. Would have preferred stuff like Archmage, but I will take any class everyday xD (I like class based systems..... second most favorite. My actual favorite kind of system is it when you learn it from say books and you have a vast majority of them and gain the skills and stats permanently that way. But that is very hard to find. (Only one that does it well I can think of is a chinese game i bought since i saw it has an english mod, called Ho tu lo shu: book of the dragons or something like that. Sadly its not an RPG Maker game.)

Anyways I will take that as:

Stop stealing hundreds of axes to sell! xD

Have a good day. Will grind more tonight and see to finish the grind tomorrow hopefully.

(1 edit)


Just asking are there new specialisations?

Decides how long I am gonna grind. Current goal is level 7 warrior, level 10 wizard (reached), level 10 cleric (reached), sage level 10 (7 currently) and paladin level 10 maybe and rogue just a few levels to get better at stealing for warren.

Have a good day lol

Also yes grinding takes longer for sure.

Edit: How far will 36.835 Silver get me? Not sure if I should stop stealing by now....

(3 edits)


Back at my grind. hehe. Lets hope my save survives this time.

Short update:

Garreth can't use the whirlwind attack (too lazy to get a spear to check if he can use it with that) with an axe.

Edit: No its taunt. Taunt stops it. My fault. But that should have been pointed out somehow i guess lmao If it is later sorry but I am grinding before the first mission again. ;)

Have a good day.

Also you should probably look at steam too, people dont seem happy that you didn't respond to the saving issue.

Edit: Wizard skills only need level 10 for the main class not the sub class to be learned, not sure if thats intended.

Edit2: How about making counterattacking, cleave, etc toggleable? I mean sometimes you may not want those effects.... especially the Saving Shield ability of Warren. Quite far in my grind though it seems slower now...  probably because i am taking more time but eh. lol


Bought it on steam, you instantly gave a new..... update... and it deleted my saves. Joy.

At least it was only 2 hours. xD

Did you buff the beginning foes? Cause they felt a lot stronger. Might be because I am still used to my high leveled grind team =P

Have a good day.

Also how far does the "sexual" content go? Because as far as I understand it, that puts the whole thing in a category where many won't even see Amneron's Legacy there... or confuse it with the crap games where they only have those shitty sex stuff that they sell.


Sure do let me known once you get to it. :D

I have some clues, it needs 100$ or so to even upload it if i remember right from other projects i follow,  than an exam period and so on and forth. Might probably take a month even if you start now if its on the longer side.^^

I am gonna keep an eye on this.

Sorry that i can't leave feedback till its on steam... would have been nice to to test how the skills work out later on but eh, whatever. Good luck with your game.

Have a good day.


Well then silence is an answer too, so i assume the answer is no. Well gonna keep this bookmarked to not forget it.

I wish you good luck and hope it works out for the whole game too.

Have a good day.


I dont suppose you are also going for an "early access" or release on steam?

I can't buy stuff on itch. :/ (Lacking a card for that... yes 25 and have that problem. For steam I at least have the option to buy a gift card at stores nearby.)

Well have a good day and good luck :D

(1 edit)


Expect Edits if you see this early:

Radiant Materials heals ~70 each time (157 int and 68 wisdom, HP of the user 445, it was also shown as "The user" but it heals a group weird.)

Have a good day, I will now grind the rest of the sage abilities I can get. Don't think I will get the level 20 abilities I am not crazy enough for those to grind like a hundred hours to get them. xD

Trained to 1,2k points and just tested all the abilities on the sage i hadn't saved and there are some whack outcomes... your abilities look as good as always though, but i still hope to see passive skills that carry over, or a skill class for passive skills that carry over or some such, i am just a sucker for passive skills accumulation kind of things.

Sage 11:

Barbarian 14:

Cyclone: 517 (dead)

Barbarian 14:

Cyclone: 607 (dead)

Looks cool, albeit a bit weaker then i expected from it but eh stun is probably worth the cost if they survive.

Barbarian 14:

Landslide: 1937 total... holy hell

Barbarian 15:

Landslide: .... ~1,9k damage (obliterated)

Barbarian 17:

Landslide: .... ~1,8k damage (obliterated)

Total: 3736... this spell is brokenly strong for 24 MP especially compared to cyclone for the sake of.... alright i like strong magic but this seems, at least this early, pretty strong man.

How do you do your math formulars for these spells? It seems... whacky.

Barbarian 16:

Void Blast: 373 kinda weak compared to everything else.

Barbarian 17:

Antipodean Blast: 512 (dead)

Alright can I ask if you will make me train more to get an item to increase JP gain at some point? Because this seems like a job for a lot of JP needs. Your animations are cool though, but i dont get my head around how you do your math formulars for such different numbers.

(1 edit)


Little update I had some stuff happen that worried me enough + some other things that i totally forgot. I will tonight do all the skills, maybe not multiple times but every skill i got unlocked at least once.

Sorry for me beeing late like hell. So I will start grinding tomorrow but it will still be slow cause stuff.

Have a good day. (Will answer to this with either the full on log how much it did or not. Will also tell you if I got any error messages again.)

Here is the damage test. Took me almost an hour since i was tired lol:

Level 16 Warren (shadow onyx equipped), normal sword nothing else to boost magic. Speed + kry, kry + healthx2, sight + kry

Damage done:

Sage (lv10):

Barbarian lv 15:

Plasma Blade: 623 (dead)

Barbarian lv 15:

Umbral Bolt: 325

Salt Blast (Without bleeding): 377

Barbarian 15:

Acird Shards: 1= 203, 2= 199, 3=211 (Weak) (dead)

Barbarian 15:

Neon Ray: 699 (weak) (dead)

Gonna test the new skills tomorrow once I get enough Points for the sage to buy them all.

Wizard (lv11):

Barbarian 15:

Ray of Frost: 362

Burning Hands: 211 (dead)

Barbarian lv 18:

Shocking Grasp: 421, Acid Bolt 498 (weak) (dead)

Barbarian 16:

Acid Bolt: 422 (weak) (dead how? did i missread the number?)

Barbarian 18:

Dark Force, total 2016 (absolutely dead)

Barbarian 16:

Scorching ray, total: 1137 (absolutely dead)

Barbarian 16:

chain lightning: 411, 322 (absolutely dead)

Barbarian 17:

chain lightning: 377

Ice Storm: 483 (dead)

Paladin (lv7):

Barbarian 16:

Normal Attack (unehanced): 196

Divine weapon (critical): 456 (dead)

Barbarian 17:

Divine Weapon: 308

Smite Evil + divine weapon: 356 (normal attack) (dead)

Barbarian 17:

Smite Evil: 220

Divine Weapon + Smite evil Mirage Slash: total 2263 (absolutely wrecked)

Barbarian lv 18:

Divine Weapon + Mirage Slash: 1305 (dead)

Knight lv 16 (sage lv10 equipped):

Berserk 14:

Tyra Slash: 261 (vulnerable inflicted)

Break Slash: 424 (dead)

Barbarian 15:

Aero Slash: 328 (got a new animation it looks good)

Master Slash: 967 (Kinda a joke... eh dead anyways lol)

Barbarian 17:

Quadro Slash: 757 (dead)

Barbarian 16:

Mirage Slash: total 1166 (dead) (Master Slash is envious xD)

Barbarian 17:

Cryo Slash: total 1327 (dead)

Maximus lv 16 (kry of power and luck):

Figher level 10:

Barbarian 18:

Power Attack (hit): 478 (barely lived)

Bull Rush: 349 (dead)

lv 17 Barbarian:

Whirlwind Attack: 399, Sunder 281 (dead)

Barbarian level 17:

Whirlwind Attack: 391, Sunder: 292 (dead)

Barbarian 16:

Disable 261, mage bane: 274 (dead)

Cleric 10:

Barbarian 16:

Searing Light: 294

Called Shot: 256 (dead)

Rogue 10:

Barbarian 15:

Sneak Attack: 328, Hornet strike: 230 (dead)

Barbarian 17:

Tsunami Strike: 272, Spirit Smite 294 (dead)

Barbarian 18:

Maelstorm: 468, wild magic: kill cloud(?! wtf man? 472) (dead)

Monk 9:

Barbarian 14:

Stunning fist: 361, Dragon Punch: 218... total (dead)

Barbarian 17:

Release Energy: 542 (dead)

Barbarian 14:

Release Energy: 511 (dead)

Barbarian 16:

Terra slam: ~500-600 alltogether (dead) (far better than release energy lmao)

Barbarian 16:

Terra Slam: ~500-600 alltogether (dead) (far better than release energy lmao)

Barbarian 15:

Flurry of Punches: total: 943 (dead)

Alright I sat an hour testing and writting this down i think i am done for today.


Just saying i still wanna replay but something i have to do came up so it will be slower. Gonna test every ability i have access to tomrrow night (hopefully) and then start grinding.

Have a good day and sorry about that.


Hm i see. Previous exchanges and configurations led me to believe that passives, especially EXP and JP would carry over guess thats a bummer because i always like stacking passives from multiple classes.

Well I am gonna start grinding and testing skills again soonish so have a good one.

Good day to you.

(3 edits)

Will take a look!

Can't say how far I will go but if i can transfer my saves i will try everything out again :D

If i can't transfer my save expect another comment. If i can't i will just start another grind tomorrow. ;) I am looking forward to part 1 though.

If you keep a log of the changes it would be good if you made it public in such cases, to check if everything is in order.

Have a good day.

Edit: May I suggest branching out of Itch? You would surely get more feedback on and the rpg maker web.

Edit2: At first glance i dont see any difference might be because of the old save.

Edit3: Monk seems pretty weak now release energy does ~450 and the dragon Punch was surely nerved. You seemed to have deleted some audio. It keeps popping up. Oh well. Also dark Force now does ~2,1k which is pretty good for its cost. Additionally you still dont have the passives carrying over. Might be because of my file but eh. I will try a new grind later next week.


Just wondering how its coming along, since the februar update said it wouldn't be long anymore until the first act, so yeah I am curious how its coming along. Feel free to ignore me if its a secret.

Have a good day. :D

(12 edits)

Void Blast is displayed on the casters side. lol (And does the same damage as before but eh whatever. lol)

Mirage Slash doesn't show full damage anymore, but its now stronger without buffs which is good. (Same goes for flurry of punches... so i assume you did something that avoids multi hit moves to show the full damage. Or maybe its because i inserted my old save who knows. Hmm weird it worked now. I assume its an issue with my save then or something else.) Alright mirage slash normal does around 500 damage total, with divine weapon around 1k-1,2k and with smite evil on top of it 1,8k-2k.

Dark Force still does only around 900-1000 damage while scorching ray does the same or more. But hey whatever. lol

Release energy still does the same.

25% faster rage building speed is working.

Have a good day.

Edit: Searing Light is now stronger too. :D 

Also there is Joel X Warren (Warren was fed all the food btw and had a sage level 10 as class. A shadow onyx equipped and several other such items that Joel didn't get... ;) )

Neon Ray seems a bit strong. Compared to other line aeos I mean. Not much but a bit. Will test it a bit more.

Yeah Neon Ray does an average of 375 out of 20 uses. The Umbral Bolt does 50 less. While costing double the MP. Other aeos also fall a bit behind the Ray from the sage.

Currently saved infront of a white crocodile the strongest enemy i can fight around so that numbers are not just against goons. lol

Fun fact: The white crocodile is weak against acid shards but not the acid bolt. I assumed both would be the... well acid element or some such but apparently thats not the case.

Cryo Slash isn't medium anymore, its now very slow. (Poor crocodile that took that 1,7k damage lol)

Empower from maximus is on the user, but looks like you can select a target.

(48 edits)


Downloaded the balance update demo and inserted my save.

It worked. Though regenerate MP still says 1% it is now 2% (Maybe thats because i inserted my save?). Which is much better if it carries over.

The spells of the sage are now much more potent, especially for their cost.

Mirage Slash however did a grand total of... like 50 damage against the ogre lord. I think you might have done a mistake there with the damage calculation. (Yep tested it against normal mobs. It does around 0-20-60 (with a crit the later) per slash and sometimes zero.)

Cryo Slash's damage went down by 30% about that, which makes it much more balanced. Though still the strongest move against a single target but more balanced still.

I am probably going to train for other abilities later on for the paladin but i won't make promises for now and test other abilities to see what changed.

Have a good day.

Edit: Holy scorching ray does now about 280-320 each hit.... alright guess it can rival cryo slash now :D

Holy.... divine weapon escalates the damage of the close combat skills from warren. Thats bloody useful for 250 JP (Works with cryo slash. Taking it again to 1,5k per use..... thats actually nice a skill for warren especially. Too bad i don't like going paladin or this would be a must have on warren lol)

Searing Light however is a waste of a skill because it already does only around 150-200 on maximus without weak. His normal attacks deal more and can do bleed. Looks nice though. :(

Ah yes holy weapon can make mirage slash somewhat useful. Still better off just using quadro slash cause that does around 800-1000 damage with holy weapon. While mirage slash just did 520-600.

Furthermore may I suggest something? An ultimate class for each path that allows to use the skills from the former classes too. Why? Because it would be bloody versatile. Maybe add that as a very costly passive one can learn for the class. If you don't want that eh worth a try. xD

Doesnt seem like the channel abilities scale with HP/MP or stats.... at least only very little if at all. This would be something i would personally do: Scale it a little with % of max MP/HP. 1-5% or so additionally. Its not much but would make them still usefull in the long run. If thats already the case and the numbers too small to notice just ignore this completly. lol

Smite Evil says of a smite instead of what i assume to be right with a smite. It also has no animation. For all thats- It works with mirage slash. Divine weapon + smite evil on the berserker or however they are called in the cave took the damage from a 0-20-60 damage per move ability up to goddamn 1,7k(150-200 damage per damaging attack from mirage slash)!!! This is broken with the right buffs. You know what... leave mirage slash as it is. Make people figure out how to make it strong. LMAO

Yep reproduced the damage 4 times. It does 1,3k to 1,7k per pop total damage with divine weapon and smite evil combined. Smite evil alone takes it to around ~120 damage per slash with divine weapon....  now i wanna test that on an undead. Be right back with the numbers. lol Same damage as the berserker. Too bad. Smite evil is so broken with divine weapon if you have multi hit moves like that. xD

Also the passives still dont carry over I just noticed. Might be because of my save or because it will not be a feature until later but eh whatever. lol time to do a last grind for void blast. I am too lazy to grind ranger and monk rn. Maybe i will tomorrow or later tonight.

Joel and Garreths stats are very... high compared to the permanent party members. At least the higher you grind. Joel for an example has 190 power level 14 lmao with a wooden spear.

Healing Touch is weaker then heal light wounds but eh he is a paladin not a cleric so whatever i guess lol

Checked various other level 20 abilities and they all work as intended... so the knight ability was the outlier and not the norm.

Void blast is weak for 1200 points and also has no animation. lol (270 damage on all enemies.)

Magma Shield looks cool though. (picked that instead)

Also maybe increase the monk rage ability to 2% too. Would make it better late game. Anyways since i now tested every Sage skill its time to train Maximus as a monk later.

Maelstorm looks fucking cool now. And is very, very strong with 400 damage on each foe. Most spells are jealous again lmao

Never used Unleash but it looks epic too now that i am throwing around my over 80+ bottles full of insufferably foul tasting liquid. lol

Ultimate fist apparently costs 3 JP er i mean class points. I am just used to call it job points lol

The -10% rage consumption on the monk skill isn't working. At least not on maximus main job class skills. Gotta wait for more points before i can test it for monk skills.

When using ray of frost the sprite of warren disappears for a bit while he uses the ice beam.

Oh right. I forgot to tell you. When you use defend maximus or warren sometimes use the clerics defend skill. If they have learned it. Dunno what triggers it still, but it got much rarer then before.

Terra slam be OP. It does ~400 damage and confuses! Thats amazingly good for 18 rage. But it doesn't get a discount from the monk skill either. (Nvm it sometimes removes the confusion it inflicts lol that makes it mediocre as a skill lol)

Yep tried it with unleash. The monks rage deduction doesn't work with anything.

Also another thing that would be nice would be a document that shows where the idols are. Not immediately at the release but maybe at a later date. I still have only found 5 lol You are very good at hiding them... though there aren't all that many clues when one is hidden. I am talking about the one at the farm there. lol

Stunning fist is pretty weak damage wise. 220 damage while his normal autos do that for 15 rage and st- alright the stun convinced me.

Dark Force costs 48 MP.... and does 550 damage with over 150 int.... i think that needs more balance. (Looks alright though lol I really want the spells that dark knight guy used at the beginning tbh lol)

Flurry of blows is on par with cyro slash (unbuffed from divine weapon)... decent if its targeted on one foe with crit up. Very good for 18 rage.

Huh max Class Points per class is 9999? Welp I really need more to use on knight and the other main classes.... i guess. lol I have been sitting on that for a while now.

Dragon Punch is pretty strong for 12 rage... neat. lol

Acid bolt does 500+ damage to one berserker... sages acid shards do a total of 450-500 :/ (Both weak obviously, weird it just did 410 (acid bolt).... i really have no clue how your damage works sometimes. Do you have high RNG? They didnt bleed at neither time.)

LMAO your weakest skill is the most expensive one. Release energy does 300-400 damage against a line.... this is getting ridicolous. xD

Almost done testing... only going to get the MP- skill from the wizard to see if it works.... also check meteor swarm, i dont have it, but i might be weak if dark force and the other skills are anything to go by.

Hmmm whatever you have running that gives MP/HP regularly, it works better on the temporary party members. Cause the strength has each reached 200 easily nevermind their HP which are nearing 500. :/

Ki Burst looks cool. The heal however is as much as a moderate potion and a bit more. Actually quite good. Almost a full heal for a level 15 maximus with 734 battles and 38.755 steps. Wohooo lol I am... almost done. Only 700 more CP for the Mp reduction skill.

Maybe do buff mirage slash a bit... without vulnerable inflicted it just did 5 damage on the berserker. lol

I am done... the MP down works. On the wizard. Hurray I think i tested everything i wanna test now.  All it took was like 17 hours+ of grinding.

(26 edits)

Alright I grinded a few more hours-

Chain lightning strikes the target always twice at least, the first i mean. Dealing at least 250-300+ damage each hit (The second doesnt seem to weaken in this case), making it vastly stronger then searing beam that does 3 worth 150-180 against a single target. Didnt test it against groups yet but i will once i trained my sage up and learned some spells for him.

Maximus can't learn his level 20 even if he has all he needs, except the level of course.

Too bad i have hit a point of..... diminishing returns. I am getting less JP cause i deal more damage so getting 10-30 without channel magic is the norm, if only warren attacks. :(

I will update this later depending on how much i grind.

Edit: Ray of frost that roughly as much as burning hands.... :( maybe 10-20 more now.

It would be nice if later there were slashing weapons that increase magic a bit too... lol

Ice Storm is better now. At least it will be once i encounter a strong enough group. 300-375 damage each target is respectable, unless the scaling of enemy health escalates. Though it is hard to say further then currently since ya know i only have the entry foes, even if they level scale with me. Is that animation updated too? Sure looks like it. lol

Oh well time to train the sage up. I am to lazy to get kill cloud. I don't want to grind another 6  hours on a character i cant continue with lmao (Especially since it needs level 20.)

Currently only have umbral bolt but such an aeo with 24 cost dealing only 200 damage is... a bit too little in my opinion. (Animation looks nice though)

Holy hell plasma blade looks cool.... the damage however is equally lacking as void blast. With about 200 damage.

Also I personally think that exotic specialisation classes should get a few higher stats. They are harder to get so there should be more reward. But that might just be me and it might happen in later levels. lol

Neon Ray.... does around 200 damage too. I think I am seeing a pattern (if weak around 300). Though yet again beautiful animation.

Another something i just thought about.... could you make saving line, cleave, etc toggleable? Because in some situations you might not want to use them.

Regenerate MP doesnt regen MP. At least not with 87 MP. Not sure if it will later. I literally defended 5 minutes without getting 1 MP lmao

Acid Shards breaks the combo... guess i am going for one more spell. 300 (80-100 damage per shard so its actually 260-300 lol) damage from acid shards isnt bad but given i leveled up and got regenerate MP so that helps the damage.

Now that i think about it at my level quadro does 400-600 damage.... which outclasses spells again. Well maybe that changes with the defense of later foes so take it with a grain of salt.

Displacement of the rogue says it needs steal weapon and attire... it unlocked after i got dazzling weapon. And maybe what i had before... hmmm lol

The class professional isn't such a professional anymore in the guild....

Crippling strikes calls displacement (probably) evasive stance still.

Salt blast does 150-200 damage (even after all my leveling up :( and antipod blast does 200-250 after all that. Decided to keep salt blast though cause of the bleeding effect)  so i can say.... sage spells need a boost. I could try the willpower based spells too from the paladin but i have by now grinded over 10 hours in total and given that i cant use it in the first act probably that comes out soon i call my training done. lol

Also 95 MP and still no MP regenerated. So it starts with 100.... :(

Shocking grasp from wild magic has the old animation. And when maximus invokes magic this way his sprite disappears for a bit. Wont test it on warren but i assume it would do the same.

Once you hit 100MP regenerate MP will regenerate MP even outside of battle :D

By all thats- that white alligator is kinda too strong. lol I beat it but it nearly oneshots maximus nevermind its confusion move. I somewhat expected better drops or stealable items.... :( There goes my remedy potion. Oh well worth i got a nice fight.

That was a good foe. I will count it as a boss.

Often says: "A few things prepared for a meal" in the new village for an example the inn windows. lol

Alright I am done again. Dazzling weapons cheeses the ogre boss so hard. He didnt even damage me cause he got unlucky. lol

(6 edits)

I think thats all of the classes for this demo.

Alright then time for a few things i wanted to add:

You can learn Master Slash before level 20. Infact I have it level 11! xD (If thats the case for master slash maybe check the others too)

Cryo Slash be OP now. It does 90-110 damage each hit and hits 10 times. Master Slash takes a lot more but only deals around 800-900 damage. Though it adds bear strength.

Mirage Slash is currently a rip off. 2 hits for the cost compared to quadro slash or cryo with the damage is just bad. I mean it deals 200-300.

I cant use the ancient medias in the woods when there popped something up about using it against the foes there.

Sages regenerate MP should be boosted majorly. 1% is nothing. Maybe 3-5% would be appropriate. And even then it wouldn't do much for the higher tiered spells. If you just give 1% it will be one till 50-150 MP.... and yeah. Thats not much. Unless the robes later give a lot of MP. (Unless the skill is intended to heal your MP while walking around.... then it could potentially be useful to have 1%. But even then it would take forever to heal your MP that way... not that i wouldn't lol)

Same goes for the HP regeneration of the paladin. I would increase that as well to 4-5%.

Anyways thats it from me for now. I will test the lower tiered magic spells tomorrow or tonight. Lets see how it turns out. Btw this was 6hours and 40 minutes of pure grinding to get to that point so maybe 6 isn't that bad given that most won't grind as I do. (I want a secret grinding place that yields better results though °_°)

Have a nice day! Expect more in the coming days. Maybe with a damage number showcase if magic is still weak =P Though it seems better at least with the only spell i have now- burning hands. By a bit at least.


Shocking Grasp is stronger now and does 300-350 with level 12 knight and level 7 wizard. And the animation changed didnt it? Looks amazing. Edit: It does 300-350 with the spear equipped and that was only higher rolls. With a sword it does 250-300 against the berserkers.

I see whats up with cryo slash. It scales with magic. So it now does 1,2-1,3k each use with my wizard as specialisation.... probably gotta fix the scaling this is double from before. lol

Petition to gain more JP increasing skills as well as EXP increasing skills... this is totally not because i want to grind faster. ;)

Alright checked. EXP and JP didnt carry over in this version. Or else i would be ahead more with maximus and warren. :( Oh well

Disappointed in scorching ray. It did ~480-520 damage (I blame cryo slash with damaging my perception of what a lot of damage is. lol). Oh well time to grind for the other higher tiered spells. lol


Currently in the demo version you have for download now that isn't the case. 

I have the fighters mobility, the mages skill and the priests skill plus the knights skill. (using the rogue class currently to show that neither carry over)

Furthermore the int, agi and wis boost isn't there. It works in the older version as the first screenshot shows and as you can see from my old save. This led me to believe that you removed it.

Anyways I am gonna grind tomorrow afternoon again. Just making sure that this is not a bug lol

Also looking forward to that first act.... i am gonna grind my ass off a third time once it comes out :D

Have a nice day.