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Actually i dont know what to do xD and also im a woman buts its okay xD  i dont know where to start so is it okay to ask for your assissstttaanncee?

huh, I coulda sworn that using "man" in the way I did was usually used for either a man or a woman,

meh, anyways,  hmm... I dunno,

  •  Could you perhaps design a UI system that looks shadowy?  like I dunno how to explain it, like dark coloured boxes that are formless if you catch my drift.
  • Could you tweak the textures on this model and make a level asset pack out of it?  I basicly want a few models that  can be used as objects for an underground level, and if you could make the gemstones more gem like hat would be great,  if you can improve the textures at all that would be great.
  • Any new character models would be welcome.