I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure the unity engine only runs on 64 bit computers when compiled to OS binary.
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Review for version 0.6.r27
Everything seems well balanced, nice way to be for preparing to move out of the beta stages. ^ ^
Bug Reports:
- Reselecting a level two levels later doesn't work as intended, since the level only lets you load the cats that were left behind it doesn't allow you to add cats to a scene.
- The unit highlighter doesn't seem to work.
- Since you can view what food you have in storage, it would probably be sensible to add a filter tab so later on you can see them nice and categorised.
- While we're at it the shop could do with a category system too.
- I think resources should be made somewhat universal to all levels, or atleast allow other scenes to be able to influence your current resources.
- The ability to tweak the music and sound effects would be nice, alot of gamers prefer to play their own music ontop of playing a game, but as things are now you have to quit just to toggle these settings.
- Upon tabbing out I think I found one of your developer functions ^_^; the UI has vanished, um, help? xD also this gives me an idea, an option to go into a more minimalist UI would be kinda cool, as theres so much clutter it makes it hard to appreciate the view. uwu
- The architect cap looks kinda off on the UI portrait because the feather is missing.
I've never done the technical tests before so I dunno if I did it right, but this is the average for a new save on 0.5 and 0.6.
0.5 where it averaged between 10 and 11
0.6 where it averaged between 8 and 9
though mind you I haven't exactly got the best computer, it always a bit lackluster when I try to run games in 1080, though it's still playable ^_^;
Review for version 0.6.r21
Nice to see you fixed quite a bit ^ ^ I was rather convinced it would take you some time to get rid of half the bugs this time. uwu
btw the game performance is a tad slower than normal ^_^; just thought I'd throw that out there.
Bug Reports:
- With the farmer, you can actually lose out on choosing a skill if you hit escape upon leveling up.
- It's hard to tell if farmers even have skills due to the fact they have no way to communicate this.
- More of an oversight than a bug, the floor tile on the market place is unnamed and thus just appears as "%TitleText%"
- A bit of a large leap but a character creator for one of the cats would be rather cool, it would also help find an excuse to put you into an introduction to the story as your character is being hired. if you do go this route what would also be neat is making this cat controllable like mmo style.
- A load button would be nice.
- I could argue there are slightly too many enemies on level 2, but they are managable if you're careful, still something to think about.
- The game could do with some sort of gatherer skill, so a certain cat can carry more resources back than the rest.
- More instrumental music, I've left a few suggestins for songs that you could take inspiration from.
Music Suggestions:
- https://open.spotify.com/track/1ZbE6WUuvk0goausI4u6Di?si=ny8KSqNsQ_-VxwKA-D62MQ
- https://open.spotify.com/track/4dXqydVhnPurq9jCJF0xWF?si=AAUo2AtLS_yHPI-U_bZhDA
- https://open.spotify.com/track/0VEf913GDXMlb196o6VOCV?si=KS7-Mjt8QMOt8gwwE9G7kw
- https://open.spotify.com/track/71nvxYj5NPh34EQs8L3IDE?si=Er_bgNE9RuW8W4v4YR4qjg
New Bug Update
I didn't really mean for you to deform the terrain tbh, I more meant there would be an object that latched onto that part of the terrain and would then pick values at certain coordinates within a certain radius to say how much rock was left in that spot, as for my other idea in underground traveling. I dunno what that would require, probably would involve deforming the terrain...
Anyway, decided to play some more of this update to see what else I could find since I never made it past the first level on the first try.
There are a bunchf errors relating to moving towards and away from an enemy, the errors I marked occured more than once throughout many playthroughs.
Error No. | Context | Cause |
Error 0: | Wild Boar(-52724323)'s route is being counted as success even though actor never reached requested destination: (179.2, 0.0, 204.0). It is 7.938799 away from that<br><br> | occured when Leandre was on his way to beat up the last boar on the first level . |
Error 1: | Route Request Callstack: Assets.Scripts.Components.RoutingComponent:RouteToLocation(Vector3, Single, GameObject, IRouteCallback, RouteOptions) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectCurrentRadialDestinationIndex() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectDestinationAndRequestRoute() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RoutePlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.<Run>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.<RunThrowingIterator>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.CoroutineUtils:StartThrowingCoroutine(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, Action`1) Assets.Scripts.Components.InteractionQueueComponent:Update() <br><br> | Followed after error 0. |
Error 0: (I played another new game. ) | Route Request Callstack: Assets.Scripts.Components.RoutingComponent:RouteToLocation(Vector3, Single, GameObject, IRouteCallback, RouteOptions) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectCurrentRadialDestinationIndex() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectDestinationAndRequestRoute() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RoutePlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.<Run>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.<RunThrowingIterator>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.CoroutineUtils:StartThrowingCoroutine(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, Action`1) Assets.Scripts.Components.InteractionQueueComponent:Update() <br><br> | occured when I was simply moving a villager out of the way of a boar. |
Bug: market floor tile undefined. | ![]() | |
Bug: Ongoing Battles | Music continiously plays and the threat stays on the map, this also leads to the knight never healing. | If you run away from a fight the battle technicly doesn't stop. |
Bug?: No Harvesting. | If the crop patches aren't built in a specific way they can't be harvested, despite how they look like they should be able to be harvested from all sides. |
- There is a great lack of food on the first level, by the time you get to 6 cats the food runs out way too fast, also it would be great to let the player know somehow that you can buy food at the market, took me a while to remember that the market can be an alternate food source. :P
- Have houses naturally build in the rotation of the camera.
- I don't see a download link for your game anywhere on your new site, the closest thing I could find is a link leading to the forums. :P
- You should reallly be able to select a specific job a vllagr can do, like you could set one to primarily look for rock, or another to look for food, anways I figured that would be neat, it would also help if you could see the activity that a said unit is currently working on in the population roster.
- It's kinda awkward how you always start with less capacity on your cat roster than the amount of cats you start with on each house, you should atleast have houses for the current amount of cats you are allowed to start with, also the tavern could do with the ability to store more cats than just 2 in my opinion.
- I think apprentices should be able to step down from their career.
Review for version 0.5.r18
Nothing to really add here yet but once I've played up to level 3 I suppose I'll find something to say...
Bug Reports:
- Leandre died seemingly randomly on level 1, but that isn't the weirdest part, when I clicked New Game after my defeat, it loaded up the map in the state it was in before Leandre died, only there was no cats, this is like right out of a creepypasta. 8D
- Do we even need the small houses anymore? they seem somewhat pointless, heck most times I start up I remove the default house and replace it with the bigger one, and then add an additional one to atleast hit the population limit of the 4 cats I start with, what would be a nice touch is an upgrade system for houses, the higher level the architect the more stories a bulding can hold and such.
- Perhaps you could revise the models for the buildings now that chests are buildings it would be nice to fit them snug onto the side of a house.
- Is it possible for you to make a house as not collidable if it isn't built yet? way too many cats like to get trapped in unbuilt houses alot...
- It would be great if you could build two big buildings right next to each other and it would convert it into a tavern. o3o
- It would be nice to be able to build a town wall and have like archer points to watch from, and guard points at the entrances, if it did have walls then you could have the game play in the background while you wait for them to gather stuff in the surrounding area. o3o
- A miner would be a nice addition, it would help add more rock to the game without many workarounds, maybe it could have a mineshaft search the surrounding tiles for a value of it it had been mined, or even better, add an underground area underneath the standard mesh it would certainly be a good way to be able to get rocks without worrying about surrounding mobs.
Thank You. ^ ^
heads up btw it seems one of the latest Unity updates has broken the animator tool, I had to fix a whole bunch of my animators because it started cracking up and I dunno what to do for it, though this may of just been when I was tired and trying something out, who knows... either case I've taken a few days off Unity as a result because trying to introduce new mechanics into my game is getting hard to do when your animator spazzes out by moving the model to a certain point in the map whenever I wanna see how my animation works. :B
huh, I coulda sworn that using "man" in the way I did was usually used for either a man or a woman,
meh, anyways, hmm... I dunno,
- Could you perhaps design a UI system that looks shadowy? like I dunno how to explain it, like dark coloured boxes that are formless if you catch my drift.
- Could you tweak the textures on this model and make a level asset pack out of it? I basicly want a few models that can be used as objects for an underground level, and if you could make the gemstones more gem like hat would be great, if you can improve the textures at all that would be great.
- Any new character models would be welcome.
No, but the game is without direction, what sorta skills you got anyways?
for now I just want people to perhaps model after the comics I showed and try and create a world from that,
or if you feel like creating one of the world that our character "Scarf" would visit then by all means go ahead, or if you just wanna be a concept artist for ideas on this project you can do that too.
I also mocked up a site just for the purpose of a forum here.
hopefully I can get this off the gound...
Incase any of you are confused, I need help working on THIS GAME.
I'm alright at coding but world building and creating models isn't quite my forte as of yet,
and as such I need some help, preferably for free. ^_^; I am making this game as a fan project based on a character a friend of mine created, and one day want it to be a full fledged game, be it free or not we shall decide when the day comes...
Anyways if anyone wants to help with the main basic feel for a hub world or anything like it please see the following:
Creations Law this is basicly where the main character Scarf will start off, if you can build a void like world like portrayed in this comic that would be great, I don't know what direction the game will take yet but so far I'm building it around the idea of a Kingdom Hearts style game, and other worlds will be based off styles of other artists as our main character journeys onward.
Here is where the comic really starts, but the pages before let you get the idea behind the world.
A few other comics will hopefully make an appearence such as:
Scarf vs Crawler Bug, Ink Stained and Interesting Faces.
I know this is asking a lot for people to come onboard for free, but I don't know if this is really gonna be a thing yet, maybe once we make some real progress we may consider it, but for now it's a free project for people to develop their skills.
Thanks for reading anyways ^ ^
I'm alright at coding but world building and creating models isn't quite my forte as of yet,
and as such I need some help, preferably for free. ^_^; I am making this game as a fan project based on a character a friend of mine created, and one day want it to be a full fledged game, be it free or not we shall decide when the day comes...
Anyways if anyone wants to help with the main basic feel for a hub world or anything like it please see the following:
Creations Law this is basicly where the main character Scarf will start off, if you can build a void like world like portrayed in this comic that would be great, I don't know what direction the game will take yet but so far I'm building it around the idea of a Kingdom Hearts style game, and other worlds will be based off styles of other artists as our main character journeys onward.
Here is where the comic really starts, but the pages before let you get the idea behind the world.
A few other comics will hopefully make an appearence such as:
Scarf vs Crawler Bug, Ink Stained and Interesting Faces.
I know this is asking a lot for people to come onboard for free, but I don't know if this is really gonna be a thing yet, maybe once we make some real progress we may consider it, but for now it's a free project for people to develop their skills.
Thanks for reading anyways ^ ^
Have you tried reinstalling the game? all I can think of is something went wrong with the download procedure, unless of course the game relies on some Net Framework that a user needs installed on, but usually a game that does would warn the user...
Another reason could possibly be there is some incompatibilities with a fresh install that people who already installed the game before a certain update don't get, one of us would probably have to reinstall windows to test that theory though... xD
Review for version 5
Really love the style that has come with this update, not sure I like how Leandre looks but all the rest are pretty cute. ^ ^
btw, I've been experimenting with AI and would just like to ask if you have any reccomendations of script tutorials for creating a similar AI to yours, I mostly want an AI that can navigate through doors and a Nav Mesh Agent can't seem to do that...
Bug Reports:
- not sure if this is a bug but the fog resets each time you load up a save.
- The town popularity thing is sorta in the way tbh, perhaps it would be better if it was on the top of the screen. uwu
- There should be a way to instantly select all of your attack type units without having to make a hotbar for it.
Review for version 0.4.323
Really love how this is coming along, has some real atmosphere going on.
Bug Reports:
- The game sometimes gets confused and continues to think you are in a battle. (the battle music sometimes keeps playing)
- I upgraded straight from a unfinished level 1 market into a level 2 and the level hasn't given me the ok because of it, perhaps you should change the requirements to be if a level 1 or higher market is present. :P
- You should really slow down how fast the units go hungry, there never seems to be enough food and it is now much harder to recruit people into your settlement.
I cannot even finish the first level because it's way too hard to find food.
- The map could do with being a little more zoomed out.
- Perhaps have the berry bushes replenish after a few days.
- The units could do with death animations.
How I manually fix the bug is usually spamming them to do something else like walking, then the second person who's stuck usually gets that job done after they do their own, truth be told I haven't actually cleared the 2nd stage for two whole updates xD it's just too hard to complete with the current bugs.
I thought it was gonna be perfect, everything seemed balanced at first, but nope:
- You still haven't fixed that chest glitch yet which is really starting to impede gameplay since they starve because of never having enough resources, perhaps you could clear the activity list if they don't move so many squares in a certain amount of time while putting resources in stock?
- The time between it notifying you of someone being injured and dying is far too short, it would be better to be notified of when they are attacked instead.
- You should have a key for going to the nearest settlement.
- You should have a key to gather all the warriors, sometimes we have a endless chain of warriors fighting because one warrior didn't get the memo not to fight.
Need any voice actors?
I have a few friends that could probably do pretty good voices for the cats if you're interested.
Alright, I won't delete anymore uwu
also I haven't been able to replicate those errors yet so you'll have to wait till later.
also the thing with the AI may of been a false alarm,
I forgot how often the cats swarm around the chest, I thought it was a bug :P
btw, my farmer ran away, should he be allowed to do that?
yeah, I think it mostly happens when units are automaticly doing jobs, it seemed to happen when Leandre was fighting alot, I'll send you a save when I can.
also although this was probably unavoidable the AI on the cats is totally screwed up if you load a save from the past update, I haven't tested if this is also the case for the current update yet.
(also sorry if I made a mess of your forum by deleting my past posts, I didn't think it would have "post deleted" still lingering, I was just trying to clear the clutter :P)
Another Bug Report:
2 errors showed up in Level 2:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object<br><br>Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPairWithBuffs.SetValue (Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.OverrideMaxValue (Single newMaxValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.OnLinkedStatChanged (Single oldValue, Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Stats.StatData.Recalculate ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.StatisticComponent.ApplyModifiers ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.Buff.BuffInstance.ApplyStatModifiers ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.Buff.BuffInstance.OnAdd ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.BuffComponent.AddBuff (Assets.Scripts.Components.Buff.BuffDefinition buff)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPairWithBuffs.SetValue (Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.ChangeValue (Single change)
Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.CombatInteractionA+CombatInteractionAInteraction.ResolveAttack ()
Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.CombatInteractionA+CombatInteractionAInteraction.OnSwingEvent (Int32 eventId)
Assets.Scripts.Animation.AnimEventTrigger.OnStateUpdate (UnityEngine.Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, Int32 layerIndex)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object<br><br>Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPairWithBuffs.SetValue (Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.OverrideMaxValue (Single newMaxValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.OnLinkedStatChanged (Single oldValue, Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Stats.StatData.Recalculate ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.StatisticComponent.ApplyModifiers ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.Buff.BuffInstance.OnRemove ()
Assets.Scripts.Components.BuffComponent.RemoveBuff (System.String key)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPairWithBuffs.SetValue (Single newValue)
Assets.Scripts.Components.Motives.MotiveIntensityPair.ChangeValue (Single change)
Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.CombatInteractionA+CombatInteractionAInteraction.ResolveAttack ()
Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.CombatInteractionA+CombatInteractionAInteraction.OnSwingEvent (Int32 eventId)
Assets.Scripts.Animation.AnimEventTrigger.OnStateUpdate (UnityEngine.Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, Int32 layerIndex)
If I may give a little insight, from what I could tell from the error you posted earlier it looks like the game searches for a library file in a location that doesn't exist on a mac, namely probably a library file that retrieves a save file, though to be sure it would probably help if you can post the full error on here so the developer can better inspect it.
Note: With the latest update you can now copy the error to your clipboard.
Regarding the questions on my review.
- I more meant if you can somehow make it so the blueprint disappears if you cancel from the cats action queue before the building has even started, like if you go to place a building but change your mind by the time the cat gets there.
- My resolution is set to 1920x1080
if I can pinpoint which times the errors to do with not finishing tasks occur I'll let you know.
there is also an error I encountered a few times when trying to upgrade the market to level 2, although I don't know what specificly causes it, I have a feeling I may of tried upgrading it while phase1 was finishing.- From what I can tell some of the errors I mentioned earlier are merely a domino effect caused by the "bug report" error as I have been unable to replicate it since.
Found More Errors
- If you choose to re-enter the first level, the level loads assets that are seemingly from a previous build, the ID's of seemingly random cats have the stats of items and other cats.
- The entire game seems to of inherited from a previous build at this point as very few of the UI elements work as they should.