Cute little game!
In a jam full of "telling an Ai what to do", a tower defense game was a very nice change of pace.
The visuals were very nice, every sprite looked well made, although I feel some of the arts clashed a bit in theming. The text could also be improved to all be the same uniform size, since reading it was a bit tough.
I didn't fully understand how the energy tower worked, was it giving me energy at the end of each countdown? I was able to afford each tower every time, so I don't know what benefit it gave me.
The idea of not being able to choose what tower you are going to place is interesting for a Tower Defense game. Which can bring more hectic strategies into the game, thinking like the PvZ conveyor levels. Although maybe there is also some room to influencing what tower you are going to get by doing different things.
The balance seemed a bit off, around the ~20% mark I was hit with a big wave which I thought was going to kill me, but I did survive. And then the rest of the download was easy, until 90% where I was absolutely bombarded and lost. But I guess that's Tower Defense games for ya.
Nice job!