My experience playing this game:
After defeating first enemy i thought that all i need is to figre out what attack does more damage to a specifiec enemy and spam it. So i decided to go for a final enemy and test it. I was quickly defeated. But because end battle screen sad "great job" (or smth simular) i thought that i won. Than i went for other enemy, sign sad that again. So i thought that i am actually on the right with full hp and my enemy is constantly being destroyed (actually it was reversed). Than i saw that i have minus amount of health, bought some health fill and ended up with minus amount of money. Than i finally figured out what was actually going on and completed the game properly
But when i bought range potions they was swapped with melee potions in the battle screen and i wasn't able to use neether melee or range potions
I think after fixind bugs and making all a bit clearer i would be nice complicated game.
I wish that boring text like someone made some amount of damage where separeted with more interesting messeges so player could choose speed of these messages independently
And picking name is cool