Really good idea but probably really hard to play for people that do not know anything about html.
But there are some some issues that impact (negatively :/) the experience :
- I could beat some levels (4/5 i think) without changing the source code by being fast enough and there is a level where I think I was supposed to revert to an older version of the AI but I could finish the level without doing it.
- the token in level 8 or 9 is too long, for some security reasons the default setting of the inspector does not allow copy-paste,
- the tip about the unnecessary div should appear sooner, the code should have a more clear structure (with huge comments showing the beginning and the end of the part we are allow to change)
-tips should last until we click them because sometimes I'm reading some source code and I don't notice the tip
-I didn't understand the level with the letters that are locked so I could not test the levels 10+, an overview of all the level would be nice so we don't have to start over when there is a game over (maybe a system with 0,1,2 or 3 starts depending on how fast each level is solved, then each level is lock until you have a certain number of star. That way you don't get stuck on a level)
It is way too complicated for a game jam and because of what I commented above it was way less fun than it could have been :/ But the concept is very original and with some proper modifications it could be really cool !