Wow you guys are fast ! For the hit box I didn't think about the case of adjacent pillars, but the stationary camera will probably be enough anyways.
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The artsytle looks great and the gameplay mechanics are interesting but there are some issues that made me stop playing the game (unrelated to that when I tried playing the game multiple times the number of coins was not reset): there is a bug that made me respawn in the spikes and couldn't get out :( I kept dying and my only option was to quit the game (It happened in a level with stairs made of 3 pillar that you expand once to go from left to right and twice to go right to left). Also the camera movement is a bit weird, it should either stay locked in "levels" or always follow the player but not a mix of the 2 (it could also "snap" to fixed positions within a level but its like dividing the level in sub-levels). the camera movement is really annoying in the level mentioned before (the one where I got locked in the spikes) because you have to click on a pillar to activate it, and when you're too fast and place your mouse on the pillar before the player arrives, when it does arrive the camera move and the mouse is not placed correctly. It is frustrating to control, especially on a 3-stages pillar that is only on stage 2. I think that would be solved with a fixed camera (and some "snap" points across the level for big levels) and/or making the hitbox of the pillars way bigger, it would improve the gameplay experience. Nice game though, I tried to collect all the coins :)
Quite impressive for a first game, I didn't expect it to be 3d ! Maybe add some color to the electrode so it's easier to spot, because directions get confusing when you've been wandering around for a while. Also maybe it would be cool to have a way to know the distance and velocity of particles, I had difficulties making these estimations.
So there are some major issues that should be easy to fix: 1) the way key binding is implemented, it depends on he letter typed and not the actual physical key of the keyboard, so it's annoying to play with a keyboard other than qwerty 2) The key to quit a scene is escape, but it is also the key used to quit full screen so it is very inconvenient to use. That said the game is ok, but could be greatly improved with minor changes, here are some suggestions: more forgiving hitbox when fishing, especially in the "corners" that gets you killed even if the sprites do not seem to overlap, show the current strength, and the required strength before climbig the mountain. Also the artsyle looks good but is not very consistent, half is hand drawn and half is pixel art.
Quite annoying to have to drag and drop the server to the rack 4 times in a row each time I think I'd prefer to have a system similar to the one when you purchase a square of space. Fortunately there is a "feature" that sometmes make a server sprite stuck between two tiles so it's easier to drag and drop it from there to adjacent tiles. I think I went tryhard mode a bit too much at some point there were no client anymore because the previous one were all happy (but it didn't last long). I still think I beat the game because there was no other square to buy and an no upgrades left
It's a cool idea but I didn't get very far x_x. I think the big bullet would feel more powerful if after its first upgrade it could go through the first enemy before despawning, after the 2nd upgrade go through 2 enemies before despawning etc. Also I had difficulties maneuvering the vehicle with the keyboard, but I feel like controllers would feel more natural. And for a better user experience I suggest to find a way to put the UI next to the player to avoid having it dispatched everywhere. For example a health bar above the player (with the heart icon), and slightly above another bar (with the shroom icon) split in n sub-bars to show the progress for the bullet upgrade.
Interesting idea but too difficult, if you kill an enemy in the wrong spot you have to start again. A cool idea would be to be able to use the shockwave on dead enemies. There is an issue with enemies getting stuck inside platforms, and then being immune to any damage but still with the ability to fire bullets. I couldn't unstuck them even with the shockwave. For the art style I think the robot is very cute :)
Quite fun at first but then you realize that the n-body problem is really complex and the easiest and most reliable way to increase your population is to add only one planet, increase simulation speed and wait. Maybe add some events or something that prevent the game from becoming boring once your planet is set on orbit. Anyways for a game made during a jam it's fun and not too long so pretty good experience overall.
Really funny how you had an idea kind of similar to my game but with with a cute design, more polish, and an additional gameplay mechanic with a puzzle dimension (you even seem to have the same bug as me with the camera being too high preventing the player to see the ground passed a certain height xD). Really cool game but also really difficult, I couldn't beat level 4, my castle was always toppled :(
The "legs" movements of the mech feels a bit weird ... but it completely compensated by the piston that packs a punch with its super juicy impact frame and feels very powerful ! Gameplay wise I struggled with the button being in the bottom right corner, and ended up dying before getting back in the mech after a repair. I think I'd prefer another key to control that but its probably a skill issue from my part -_- (also unrelated to the game but I love the art on the thumbnail)
Wow incredible! Fit the theme, nice graphics many levels ... The only issue I have is the text being displayed automatically without any key being pressed and no way to back to a previous text. Also I couldn't get the coins in one of the first level, I don't know if that is a skill issue or if it was intentionally impossible (because the game is supposed to be buggy). I REALLY love the lox poly art style 5/5
I made the same comment on the game page but realize it was more likely to be seen here:
Big issue that you can fix right now: on a small screen I can't see both the score, the people waiting and the next cubes. The small dots in the bottom help but it still annoying to play without seeing a part of the screen or to have to change the zoom in your browser. You can either allow full screen or reduce the size of the screen in the edition panel of your game (note: it won't disqualify you or anything as long as you do not edit the files, you can edit the thumbnails screenshot and screen resolution at any time).
Even in beginner mode the game quickly becomes difficult because you have to get lucky and have the correct color cube, which does not always happen.
Nice pixel effects :)
SPOILER WARNING if you have not played the game do not read the following part it might ruin your experience I found a sort of exploit where cubes placed near the fence despawn after a short amount of time so you juste have to create a wall of cube near the fence and on that wall there are all the symbols so it is really esay to place cube very quickly (but I still lose when I don't have the correct colors)
Big issue that you can fix right now: on a small screen I can't see both the score, the people waiting and the next cubes. The small dots in the bottom help but it still annoying to play without seeing a part of the screen or to have to change the zoom in your browser. You can either allow full screen or reduce the size of the screen in the edition panel of your game (note: it won't disqualify you or anything as long as you do not edit the files, you can edit the thumbnails screenshot and screen resolution at any time).
Even in beginner mode the game quickly becomes difficult because you have to get lucky and have the correct color cube, which does not always happen.
Nice pixel effects :)
SPOILER WARNING if you have not played the game do not read the following part it might ruin your experience
I found a sort of exploit where cubes placed near the fence despawn after a short amount of time so you juste have to create a wall of cube near the fence and on that wall there are all the symbols so it is really esay to place cube very quickly (but I still lose when I don't have the correct colors)
really simple yet cool game. There is only one type of tower and one type of enemy so the game is mostly about when and where to place towers. I have deforested the whole map and managed to score 2312 points.
A few bugs though: the game crashes if you place tiles outside of the map, collision sometimes have an unexpected behavior, endscreen has a few words in french and sometimes it is possible to block the pathfinding and freeze the wizard (in that case you have to manually exit the game with by pressing escape)
Well it works now, I probably didn't press ENTER at the beginning i don't now I don't remember. Also I had some issues with the screen size when playing other games so I changed it, when I played your game it is possible that a part of the screen was cropped at the very beginning until I resized it, so maybe I didn't see the message telling me to press ENTER idk. Or it was just a bug because I'm indeed playing in Firefox. Anyways that said the game is quite difficult the PC keep burning if I stop using the cooler but the fps drop if I don't stop and use the other components.
Love the game, the monster are too cute <3 I tried not to shoot them. Gameplay-wise I think that the camera movement is way to "snappy" (it snaps directly to the player's position), It would be better to smooth the movement a bit. Also there is a bug (or it may very possibly be a feature ?) in a room that gives you an extra life ever time you die. It is helpful at first for players that aren't very good (like me) because it makes it easier to get to the boss but the boss fight becomes way too difficult with all the robot's extra lives.
Really cool game with really cool art ! It is way too difficult when you encounter 3 foxes in a zigzag, I couldn't get past that part. Actually I could but it was because I found a bug that allow you to do a super jump and I bypassed that section of the game. To do the superjump you have to be next to a corner, some corner seem buggy (around where the box is) because you can just run and the hunter 'jumps' automatically, but for the general case you spam spacebar when you reach the top corner (if you are on the left and you have a single block on your right, you run toward that block, you jump, you land on the top-left corner and you spam spacebar)
here -> ._ _ _ |
_ _ _ | | _ _ _ _ _ _ |
Nice name for the game ;)
More seriously I think the game is great (keep that in mind while reading this comment) but I found some bugs: The number of coins (images) displayed on screen doesn't correspond to the number of "coins left" (text). When there are multiple knights and that one of them die, everyone stop fighting, or at least they deal no damage even though the fight animation plays (it happens rarely, I couldn't reproduce the bug on command, sorry :/). When you restart after you lose, you keep the progress of the previous game.
The game is quite easy if you farm money during the early stage, at some point you earn more money than you can spend (even with spamclicking arrow) and with enough attack upgrades, with just one basic minion you can solo all the knights of a wave.
Also the the art looks great :)