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Great work on submitting a project! I will say I was a weird combination of overwhelmed and underwhelmed all at the same time -- overwhelmed because you start with so many skills right from the start. I get that they're experienced in their classes, but as a new player just jumping in, that's a LOT to take in all at once and try to make heads or tails of. Maybe try bringing it down to 5-7 skills a piece, rather than 15+, then you'll still have a decent amount and show that they aren't unskilled, but your player won't feel the need to learn so much at once. I was underwhelmed for a similar reason -- because the characters were so skilled, the fights really didn't feel rewarding as you tried going through because there weren't really any stakes. 

A few other things you'll want to consider are the high amount of RNG that your game relies on. Trying to RNG an item is not a super engaging mechanic, but you did at least have a high enough random encounter rate to make it likely to find it slightly quicker? But with low-stakes battles happening almost every 3 steps... it got tiresome for me very quickly.

I do think you have an interesting start to your game, but it needs a little bit of fine-tuning to give the player the sense of satisfaction they're looking for. I hope you'll keep working on this and thanks for sharing your project with us!