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Hallowed Advocate RebirthView game page

Save the world from the Great Evil!
Submitted by Kouruu — 23 hours, 46 minutes before the deadline
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People's Choice#1301.5401.778

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I really appreciate your feedback. One of my plans is to go back and tweak the skills. I started them at lvl 50 to set the experience for the main characters predecessor so the player had some context of what the characters potential should become. If this makes any sense. At the same time, I also only wanted the player to experience this for only a short time for the storyline so when the player ventured out they had some idea of what their goals are. 

With this being a game jam, I was more focused on getting content and playtime into the project once I can finish creating the game play to the end, I plan on going back and use more tile sets and finalize and polish the areas, as well as finalizing the classes and skills, work on the background music, cutscenes and hopefully a load of side quests. To include each party members exclusive weapon for end game. 

Spoiler for anyone who did get past the first part and wake up as the main character. The ring quest is the beginning of one the ex weapon side quests. More will unfold on it as I create more areas and come up with storyline of the progression. 

As for the short comings I will be taking everyone’s advise and come up with better solutions.  It may be a while before I release a more up to date version of this project but if anyone wants to be able to test it later, I think I can accommodate.  More to come. 


Great work on submitting a project! I will say I was a weird combination of overwhelmed and underwhelmed all at the same time -- overwhelmed because you start with so many skills right from the start. I get that they're experienced in their classes, but as a new player just jumping in, that's a LOT to take in all at once and try to make heads or tails of. Maybe try bringing it down to 5-7 skills a piece, rather than 15+, then you'll still have a decent amount and show that they aren't unskilled, but your player won't feel the need to learn so much at once. I was underwhelmed for a similar reason -- because the characters were so skilled, the fights really didn't feel rewarding as you tried going through because there weren't really any stakes. 

A few other things you'll want to consider are the high amount of RNG that your game relies on. Trying to RNG an item is not a super engaging mechanic, but you did at least have a high enough random encounter rate to make it likely to find it slightly quicker? But with low-stakes battles happening almost every 3 steps... it got tiresome for me very quickly.

I do think you have an interesting start to your game, but it needs a little bit of fine-tuning to give the player the sense of satisfaction they're looking for. I hope you'll keep working on this and thanks for sharing your project with us!


Good start here! I made more comments in this first impression playthrough, although I didn't get very far... if you want to watch:


I apologize about the enemy counter problem. It was only supposed to have you fight roughly 5 enemies. So originally should've only had you fight 2-3 battles. But despite my efforts to try to have it properly add them up. It  would not always register the enemies, so for the sake of the progress I tried to lower the number as such so it wouldn't of had you fight no more than 4 battles. If your experience had you fight many more than that, then I'm sorry. It shouldn't have done that. And I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to get to the first town that really set the story for the main character who was the hero reincarnated. Truthfully, the battles after a certain number was killed was to engage a cutscene which would've had an orb appear on the gateway to the pre-boss.

The parallax was  just me trying out different features in the game engine as I was learning it. It was supposed to be water, but I'm by no means an artist. Which is why moving forward with the project, once I have completed the story line, I intended to go back and revamp all the terrain and artwork to polish it off.

(1 edit)

I also made it to the temple and expected to get teleported when stepping on the circle/star but nothing happened. I've tried to look around a bit to find something hidden or a clue how to activate the circle, but with the high rate of random battle I quickly lost the mood to do so. Random battles are all in all not that bad, but they should be concentrated in grinding areas and not in a place where you expect the player to find some hidden switch or something.


I tried this out and gave up. I got to the magic circle where it claims the minions should have the key, a few encounters alter that has not popped up, and I'm sick of the same battles.

  • Good on having characters on the older side! That's always cool to see (hopefully the point was not to make them revive into younger forms...)
  • The encounter rate is way too high. As I see it (and I could be wrong) the point is to show the party is strong and experienced. Combat should be finished in one turn, two at most. 
  • IS that weird blue parallax on the bridge water, or air? In any case, it's not good and I don't see the point of using it over the regular resources the rtp provides for those.
  • Tying an obligatory progress item to a random encounter is just a bad and antagonistic idea. RNG can fuck you over really easily. Just place a sprite somewhere where the combat ends in getting the item if that's the point.
  • The mapping is really rough.
  • The battles (at least up to that point) aren't very engaging, making the whole situation worse.