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Neat concept! Simple but fun game and I thought the music was pretty funny :)

I think a jump sound effect would be nice and maybe a bit of reworking on the visuals. The spikes, walls and background are all extremely simple and don't really match the detailed aspect of the bird. I would suggest choose one art style and sticking to it through all sprites.

I also found you can cheat the game by just spamming the jump button and sticking to the top of the screen most of the time, since spikes rarely spawn there.

Apart from that, I still had some fun jumping around and dodging spikes! That's some nice work, keep it up :)



Can you give an idea that which color palette shall I you !! 


Not sure what colors to suggest, but if you're looking for color palettes you can find a lot of these online, and choose one you think would fit the game.