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(13 edits) (+1)

so i tried ranking every player i could think of on on how good he/she is in narrow one

its a scala from 1-10 one is weak, ten is the best.

if there a - it means i never saw him/her playing

Playeringame nameranking
Mh alMh al/jokes on you8
Master archerMaster archer8
King of the narrowKing of the narrow6
Pelican PartyPelican11
Thing 1Thing 19.5
Thing 4Thing 4-
Defenitly dumbJanofax6
Cold blood 0.5Cold blood9.5
Narrow winnerNarrow winner-
Madarah ushihauchiha6
A little thingA little thing7
Dark ac tc--
Guest 70Guest 709.5
Clint Bartonclint barton-

im sure i dint mention everyone, but you can mention and rate someone in the comments and ill edit it

ps. you could rate me to

ps. be serius

I'm a guest, have no name. I have seen many players' names in Chinese, but they're not mine.

oh, ok

did i ever play with you?

(1 edit)

And in the Mh Al's match recently

oh, that guy

I use a few skins, that skin is the sharpshooter.

yeah, now i know

I saw you about 3 times. For sure, you play better than me.

When we were having a one-on-one hit, the probability of my death was about 70%


but you‘re good too

Remember I killed you in map towers from the first meeting and you came out my name is Thing4Spirit SC

i dont include the clan names.

can you send me a few pictures of games so i can rate you

We can play together tomorrow and you can see






you are so wrong, I'm at least an 11 😡 

why did i expect this

anyway, its fixed now


😂😆 🤣  


are u sure

Ahhh. How about the hackers? they're probably rated 20. If they weren't hackers they would be 5 😂

nah -5


normal score


no way they're more like -2e+17

What Whaaaaaaa........

more like 5h6zce5ig5icx5gxwi 

bro i didn't get a score

sorry, i dont really remember playing with you

(1 edit)

maybe you got some photos

yea i will put some in the chat


and its uchiha lol

its fixed now


bruh i can actaully kill with a bow in real life (i play with you before, but i'm always laggy and I only carried that time).

Btw my ign is bowboi as well, i'll never change until bc I need 50k

ok, ill add that

ok, sadly didnt notice it

i hope i didnt offend anyone

(1 edit)

whoa whoa hold on me and guest r like the same skill and hes 9.5

i dont know who cold blood is

oh, ok i only really remember one game with you

never saw you play against guest 70

its cold blood aka ricardo

I'm too dumb. An 0 fits me

ok ill give you a five

oops, accidentaly forgot to remove the - before i added the five, but i fixed it


Sheesh. Keep It 0. Lets play and then u rate me.

ok, when?

tommorow 12.30 Philippine time (gmt +8)

cant, have school that time

14:30 german time maybe?

I live on da other side of the world


Pamtom.35 is 6

who is phantom.35

He's not been here for a while. If you scroll back you might find him


iss he on itchi io

jokes on u is not mh al lol

sometimes he is, or is it also a name of another player, because mh al sometimes changes names to jokes on you

He might i guess inless he's just using her screenshots but jokes on u has left discord so it's not like we can even ask her

this is why i thought he was jokes on you

Jokes on u is a completely different person

i know, look at the screenshot completely then you can see the reason why i thought mh al was jokes on u

well yeah that's why I thought ge could have just took the screenshot but ig it could be him

oh, than i understood you wrong

Yes he his

(1 edit)

 I rate you 8. Also My ingame name is: Dragonair 𝕯𝕮 Owner.

Also. How about the hackers? they're probably rated 20. If they weren't hackers they would be 5 😂 

first, i dont include clan names

second, lol

but thanks for rating me 8

I like your estimates, especially with pelican. you didn't fall short with him 😆

at least i dont get banned

I give u a 9.9

Nah, id say an 8

you can't rate urself nicely


BTW, my ingame name is SpartanSpirit

crying rn

why, did i gave you the wrong score?

(1 edit)

I'm better then sum players that have a equal/better score than me but u can just leave it cause irdc

oh, ok

i only played with you once,  so i have no idea