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I got this game for judging in round 2, congrats on getting to that round. My thoughts on this:

It is neat that you tried to do D and D in RPGMaker, though I wonder if this is the best system for it? The first battle I lost many times until the dice rolls favored me enough to get past it. Same with the second. I think some of the issue is the fact the battles I'm outnumbered and at the mercy of a few lucky rolls, and am playing a Rogue which is not ideal for this. A Mage would have a better shot as at least then I could put them to Sleep. 

However, I ran into some serious bugs. The game once crashed with no notice and kicked me to desktop. That is probably an artifact of the engine using ACE and ACE and newer PCs have some issues. May need to consider moving engines soon or investigating compatibility fixes.

The other is I can't proceed past the 3rd battle. I fight, one of the sprites doesn't leave the screen, I go forward and it redoes the entire scene but this time it locks up as something is trying to move but can't. Nothing I did in my judging time got me past this battle. 

I did check the project file since  you did include it, and I did find the cause. After that battle is won  you turn on the wrong switch. The event is looking for a different numbered switch than what you turn on.  I'm guessing some other players must have found another way around it, but I never did.

However I'm not allowed to patch it to proceed so have to judge it based on it as it was sent, which means I have to judge it based on being unable to go past the third fight of the game. 

Still bugs aside you do have a neat idea. Hopefully you can improve it and fix the bugs.

Thanks for pointing out the glitch. I have fixed that and will upload it after the competition has ended. For people reading this in the future, on the current version of the game, instead of walking through, trigger the fight by interacting with the little cave to the right of the map.