This one's gorgeous as heck, and I like the way she controls (I also like abusing the kick to glide in mid-air, cheap as it may be). There are good core mechanics at play buuuuut I'm not sure a lot of them agree with each other from time to time. For one thing the game kind of simultaneously can't make up its mind on and contradicts itself on what type of skill it wants from you. It takes a while to figure out the burning to stay alive mechanic, but I was pretty down for it when I got the hang of it, since making the player be proactive to sustain themselves is a great dogma, plus I like the catharsis of just messing up the scenery to buy yourself some life. But then it became "oh nope, kill all the enemies before moving on now", and if you missed a single one you had to trudge all the way back while you're on a time limit and can't get health back because you've already burned everything else. And it's hard to tell for a while what counted as an enemy (can't kill bats, cant kill mushrooms, can kill slimes but only by melee) so that made it harder to get by. Then the game became "oh nope, we're a series of platforming challenges with some enemies in it", and the level was designed fine for the most part, but then you'd enter segments that have you jump and navigate around spikes and unkillable mushrooms, so if you're trying to burn to stay alive or use your last-minute-magic to come back to life then you're outta luck. At that point it feels like the game just forgot about those mechanics and you just need a lot of health going in those segments for no real reason. There's also the stuff other comments brought up about the bats and lack of checkpoints, etc., but that's just how game jams go sometimes so no biggie on the small stuff.
Anyway, Hoo that was a lot of critique back there, but I don't mean to come off as a non-fan because this jam game is awesome and has some awesome mechanics and great polish. What I'm going for is that I love the ideas and mechanics, and I think focusing on just one or two of those ideas (or more consistent level design if that's a better way to phrase it) could really improve this game.