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(1 edit) (+1)

Encountered couple of bugs in the dungeon

1. Losing (or escaping) to enemies inside the dungeon blocks the tile you were standing on before it began making it impossible to go through it and potentially soft-locking you from advancing if it was in a narrow path. It also multiplies the character sprites making them overlap each other. Confimed that it happens after multiple losses, losing to an enemy for the first time in the dungeon won't block the tile.

2. Exiting the dungeon while the plank or the rock are covering the pits blocks them and softlocks you. Also the sprite of the plank/rock covered pit stays and the sprite of an empty pit overlaps it.

3.  You can keep moving while in the choice prompts in the dungeon.

4. Pressing spacebar while in a choice prompt inside the dungeon triggers an error.

Thank you so much for the thorough report! 1 and 2 has been fixed!

3 and 4 might require some deeper coding stuff~ and as it is not as game breaking~ I'll fix it for the next patch~

Not sure if it still works in 0.0.4 but in 0.0.3 I discovered that as long as you don't have the "real" plank and/or stone in your inv you can pick up those glitched ones from the holes