I liked the game, it seems inspired by the decision game from Jonas (and it’s not a bad thing, especially if we talk about the fact it’s clear you put twists and make it yours). I didn’t understand some things, like the algorithm you used (it’s totally random or you put some logic in the batteries? Like take 200 of good energy and 200 of bad energy and then spread to the map). I tried to restart levels until it was a good situation for me, but anyway I like you have to think anyway because otherwise you lose anyway, so there are skills involved. So if this game will have an understandable logic (if there is already) and some extras who can clear the map (I did it, but then I had to go the next level automatically, so there are no differences. It’s a pity because that risk and reward factor can be important) will be greatly improved for me. I liked it really much btw, I just left here 2 (or 20) cents :)