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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wdym "verified"?


Thanks 👍

I appreciate you found my game fun eventually. 🙂

Good patience waiting for this much money to spam purple units. :D You can also win by sending enough fast units which also doesnt decrease your income.

How long did you wait to get enough money without sending enough units to decrease lives?

Interesting platformer, kinda like those games where you can control 2 characters.
But I had problems with the frame rate or movement - it kept stuttering and the space didnt get registered quite often.

Thanks for your feedback!

I didn't have much time to properly test the balancing, so the difficulty and things are all over the place.
I also forgot to cap the minimum income to 0, so you can easily get into negative numbers.

"sometimes games that are a bit broken are more fun." Can confirm. It's more entertainig watching eople break FNAF security breach, than play it as itnended. 

How did you get so many purple units? Did you wait that long to get the money or did you use something like cheat engine to give yourself more money?

Neat idea, but the controls are weird, (the ball is jittering a lot) , and you forgot to set the canvas scailing mode to fit the screen (everything is giant or off-screen if not viewed in FullHD full-screen).

Fun and nice game, but a little hard. I like the art on the menu screen, could have bee used in the levels. 

Why is the bottom slider only half ful?

Quite good leveling game , but i have no idea how to level up. l collected few souls with the Lvl.1 wizard and then got kicked out of it when i touched level 30 ghost.
The game really likes level 5 wizards, i've only seen 1 level 1 wozard and 1 level 30 wizard.

About thee movement: It's very slippery and generally not great, Is this your first platformer like game? It looks lime you used round collider for the wizard, but rectangular collider for the platforms. Such combination doesn't work well or not at all.
Your ground check gives me extra jumps even when im touching a platform from the side.
You can also hang on a sode by hlding a direction key towards the wall.

If you fix all the movement issues, and add some feedback to action in the game (like how many ghosts/souls i need to level up) it could be quuite a nice game. The "I'M frustrated" room in Will you snail is quote fun even when it's just collecting one, same thing .

Thanks! :)

The time between a tower spawn is randomly chosen between 0,1-5 seconds because when i was testing the "system" having a constant delay didn't eel good. There's also an RNG choosing if a tower should be placed or not, but since the time between each placement was eventually made to be random, I removed* the first RNG that determines if the tower should be placed.
*actually i just set the chance for tower to spawn to 100% because it was much easier and faster.

The  5 seconds interval between you recieve more coins was chosen because it felt te best when compared to 1-3 sec. intervals

The bad game speed/pacing is caused by lack of time to do proper testing.

Thanks :)

I originally intended to make it prettier and also add a difficulty options (like that on medium/hard it doesnt place toers randomly), but because I made it basically one day, i focused just on getting a playable game instead of pretty game.

Thankfully I managed to submit it in time thanks to he time extension. :)

There is actually no secret path. 

I thought you did, but wasn't sure. 😄

- Let me get this straight. You like motion blur?
- I do. And I'm tired of pretending I don't.

Why is the game running in 3fps when there's nothing complicated to render, aside of the over the top post processing you can't turn off, and the quality setting does  nothing?

(1 edit)

"...the bigger the levels got the jankier the camrea movements got..."

That's because the game and generation doesn't have a good optimization, so it causes frame drops.
It's not as noticeable in the first levels because there's not much to render and update,  but as the level gets bigger the number of cells increases as well which is most likely the main cause of the lower frame rate.
But since most people didn't play the game for long enough to get to higher levels, i spent more time on other things than optimizing the generation system.

Here's my game :)
(If you haven't played it already)

Thanks for your review!

The value of each cell is randomly chosen when it spawns, so there is probably no algorithm, just 2 for loops to generate the board.

You can read the instructions in "How to play"

(1 edit)

Cool concept defending a spaceship and nice graphics, but the controls and aiming kinda ruin the fun.

Aiming with a mouse would be much easier, faster and more precise.
Idk why moving the camera feels like trying to move a 100kg object on an icy floor. It takes a long time to start moving at a usable speed and keeps going even after i stop holding the movement key(s).

Also the game shouldn't immediately start when i open the tutorial.

Here's my game :)
(If you haven't played it already)

Here's my game :)
(If you haven't played it already)

Here's my game :)
(If you haven't played it already)

(1 edit)

Nice  and simple game, just found few issues
- When the player is facing left the gun controls are inverted.
- The gun itself can be turned 360°
- When restarting a level, it also restarts the tutoris which is a little annoying having to go through tge whole tutorial again.

Otherwise it's a nice game.

Except that html/webgl builds are sometimes broken or don't work as standalone app.

(3 edits)

Ignore it. This is the worthless smartscreen sh*t that microsoft added in a comically bad atttempt to force people to use the landfil knows as windows store.

You should disable this piece of crap since it absolutely pointless and does literally nothing.

Yes, this is truly useless and servers just as a random annoying pop-up when running some programs.

(1 edit)

What could 1 person do against many ?
Looks just like a normal case of spammer. Just make sure a lot of people rated your game, and you don't have to worry about him.

I guess you removed his name on purpose, right?

Also it's better to report him, so he gets disqualified and can't rate more games.

Ok, nevermind. 

It's hard to remember and keep up with  who's rated my game and stuff like that  🙂

(1 edit)

Would appreciate if you rated my game 🙂

Here's my game

(2 edits)

Nice game a great idea,
just  the game window is so big (even in full HD) it doesn't fit on the screen. You should make the run in lower resolution or change the Embed options to "click to launch fullscreen"

Here's my game :)

Yes, but you can't upload new files until the rating phase ends.


You dont need account to watch twitch.


Here's my game :)

"display the charge of each cell with it’s color tone"
That's a really good idea. :D

Thanks for this great review. :)

I have made the tutorial like that because of the small time budget,.
I pan on adding more visual feedback for when you have unlocked the next level and low charge.
The decision to make the objective to collect 1/2 oft he map was made because the level is randomly generated. Originally it was something like 75% or some high number, but i changed it because as the levels get bigger they also get harder.

"the style of the buttons in the game play window clash with the style of art for the game itself"
Do you mean the side panel buttons that have a gradient sprite instead of the battery like menu icons?

(1 edit)

Nice platformer game, but the controls and hitboxes are a little janky.

When i hold left/right and press UP, it rarely registers it. I get stuck on sides of things quite often and also "hang" on side of a platform.

The hang on side bug pretty much looks like what I dealt with in my game where if i mirrored the player sprite it'd miscalculate the hitbox or something and let me hang on right side of a platform.
I fixed that by instead of flipping the sprite, i swap the sprite for a mirrored one.

It looks like this was made in GMS 1. You can check Shaun Spalding on youtube. He has qute a lot of GMS 1 tutorials. :)