" Or two players racing to make the tallest structure"
I like that one.
But, I mean, any game that is not about mount everest is not following the theme, because mount everest towers higher than all other objects on earth. And then you can argue that the sun is towering higher above mount everest, and another galaxy is towering higher above than the sun, and it goes on and on.
And then if you want to be logically coherent you could only argue that the only theoretical thing that is above all else and the entire universe, is god. So any game that isn't about god does not follow the theme.
Every game that isn't about god will deserve a theme rating of 1 star lol.
If they would have wanted to keep it vague, they should have said 'towering above', 'towering upwards', 'towering higher' , or even 'towering high up above', etc. but they didn't.
'above all else' is such an unfortunate choice of words. It's so absolute.
I have to purposefully pretend the theme is just 'towering' in order to not limit my imagination.
But I get what you mean and I like your ideas.
Anyways, your animated wizard profile looks cool.