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Hey fancy seeing you here man! Glad you could submit!

It was nice seeing a tower defence style game this jam, and this one was pretty decent!

For starters the voice acting is top notch, hearing a Pole trying to do so many accents is hysterical! The music was perfect for SBIG too! Though I will say once it gets to the point of a bunch of soldiers and ships coming in the number of shot sound effects can get pretty overbearing and loud. I've never been particularly fond of ear-rape games though so maybe its just me.

Things get very chaotic towards the end of the game with all the ships, defenders and music layering on top of each other. It definitely fits a SBIG jam!

Though some things I do wish were improved, like sometimes it seemed like objects weren't actually being placed when I clicked, and the placement detection was kinda wonky. And maybe I missed something but I didn't know you had to click on the building to start placing things until I accidentally clicked on it.

I do love some of the little details though, like the various flags changing on the larger ships, the colour of the uniforms of different factions, the fact that the tortoise is always swimming underneath. Oh and I love that when you add earplugs the tortoise actually has them on its head.

I did eventually end up waking the tortoise but I got through several minutes of gameplay and enjoyed it!

Good work man!