That's the correct way of doing it.
The automatic cursor adding is in obj_mis_system > Begin Step, it's not really set up for mouse so you'd have to do some work. You can detect when the mouse moves by seeing if the mouse_x or mouse_y coordinates change, but it might be better to check for mouse clicks so it won't add a cursor if your mouse moves just a small amount.
Viewing post in Menu cursor moviment with mouse
thanks, I managed to make the cursor appear on click just by changing an if statement
var _num = mis_data().max_keyboards; for(var i = 0; i < _num; i++){ if (!mis_device_port_is_connected(i, MIS_DEVICE_TYPE.keyboard)){ //Connect if any key is pressed if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey) || mouse_check_button_released(mb_any)){ mis_device_connect(MIS_DEVICE_TYPE.keyboard, i); } } }
I admit that I think it's a lazy solution... 😅 maybe I'll change it if there's a problem but so far it's going well