I was really looking forward to this one, so saved it until the final day where I could spend a proper morning on it! Personally I have absolutely zero FNAF experience (Apart from "Five Nights At Friday Night Funkin'", of course!) so I knew I was going to have to learn the rope. I started off by reading through the introduction on the games page, in order to get a proper idea.
One things stood out for me: "Yes, you almost definitely will lose the game at first". Now that sounds like a challenge!
I meticulously went through the TLDR for the game, looking at the controls and individual mechanics. I read through the field guide, to get a good picture of the enemies movements. I set out an in-depth plan, as what to do if what do if which enemy is on what camera. What should take precedent over each other, and how we can minimise the tortoise's exposure.
Then I scrapped that and did the following:
1. always keep the door shut
2. only exception to rule 1 is to shut Percival up as soon as possible.
And it turns out my blissful ignorance of the outside world worked perfectly! I got to the end of the day with the asleepn'tness meter only like 30% full, on my very first attempt! 😍
While that was great and all, I felt I was suffering from success here, since I didn't, you know, actually look at any of the cameras or anything 😅 I went back through the game again in order to have a proper go. It seems very well put-together! There is a clear trajectory of people's movements. It feels hectic and fun, and the characters are well thought out. I was annoyed that I couldn't actually hear Percival's Audio tracks 😅 (I wasn't going to jeopardize the tortoise's sleep in order to listen to them!) So I decided to go to the github page and just download the audio files! Amazing covers of Sweet Caroline and Good Morning Good Morning. +1 sound for kazoo.
Overall, I had a fun time trying this out. Well done for putting it all together!