I always play every SBIGJam game from least to most votes this year, so this one came last on my list. And thank god I saved it for last! 😍
First off, I just love Greg's design. Having him contrast with absolutely everyone else in the company is just hilarious. Just the raised eyebrow the whole game as well 😂 The way every character bounces the whole time is just beautiful as well!
In terms of gameplay it's fairly simple but has a nice fun story. I loved being able to throw my coworkers (if my coworkers are reading this, I meant roleplaying as Greg! Not in real life!) The dialogue was good and the game just had a very SBIG feel to it.
The camera made me *slightly* sick but I somewhat got used to it. Kinda felt like the modern point & click style cameras except the way you're moving constantly changes 😂
Overall a very strong SBIGJam contender! Thanks for taking part this year!