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Ned Reid

A member registered Jun 10, 2017 Β· View creator page β†’

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Absolutely wow! This game was one of the most ambitious and expansive I've seen this jam! Well-paced, engaging, and... surprisingly philosophical!? This game really had it all!

Firstly, the  art and graphics are absolutely stunning! This game is actually beautiful:  probably too beautiful for this jam πŸ˜… Everything was super cohesive, and there was a nice cast of side characters. The audio and music worked well, but the main loop in each of the worlds got a bit samey after a while (even though it was really nice!) The boss battle music was energetic and made me amped up! 

The writing really stands out:  especially in terms of how it uses the modifier. Many many suggestions are used in a meaningful way, and several are central to the plot. It's been lovely  seeing how every game has implemented the modifier, and this has really been one of the most impressive. I also loved  the references to Sapoconcho! It's always awesome to see references to past SBIGJams for all of us regulars!

There are a few nitpicks, but they're all fairly small. The names of characters don't seem to show for me in dialogue in fullscreen mode. There's a couple of things that could be really added to make the game more reactive, such as health bars for bosses, and some kind of audiovisual feedback for taking damage would go a long way.

Overall I was heavily impressed. I saved this game for last, and I'm really glad I did. Thank you so much for submitting!

This was an amazing return  of Gurtle! I loved the throwbacks to the first game, and the twists in the opening titles were hilarious! I especially loved the opening song πŸ˜…

The  background design of the game was absolutely stunning, and really did a great job at capturing a whole bunch of modifiers!  The VA was beautiful as always, and the art in general was both funny but also visually impressive!

The gameplay itself was fairly addicting, and did a great job at including all suggestions! While it was fairly neat  that the platforms were built into the environment, it did make it slightly unclear sometimes where you could stand, and the density of the environment sometimes made it slightly difficult to traverse. These are very minor things though!

I do wonder whether Gurtle's clone sometimes did more harm than good πŸ˜…Most of the times I lost were primarily due to jumping on gurtle myself rather than any ideas reaching her 🀣

Overall I loved this game though! Leaderboard was a great touch and really makes me competitive! Thanks so much for submitting!

-  Has Sanic

- He's a Ball

10/10 as described. Can't wait for sanicball3 (+knuckles)

I won.... But at what cost?!?

This game had some pretty cool mechanics, baby-killing aside! I liked the use of moving blocks (even though I didn't know they *could* actually move for quite a while πŸ˜… and the portals near the end were pretty  neat! I think a tutorial would go a long way to explain the base mechanics! I also encountered a bug where the level wouldn't restart when falling  outside of view, but hopefully that should be an easy fix!

Had a lot of fun killing babies! Music was delightfully weird! Well done!

Love this concept and it's a great little game! Sometimes feature-creep can be a massive issue, and when you want to add  a whole bunch of things in it makes everything a bit more complicated! The only difference is it's usually myself who keeps pushing to add extra things to my games πŸ˜‚

I loved how everything was implemented and (despite the whole plot of the game) the scale was kept nice and short for a jam game! The pew noises were funny and it was entertaining just spamming enemies in the level editor πŸ˜„

Thanks so much for submitting!

This game is such a mood πŸ˜… I remember while working on  my game  this year, I'd encounter a bug and fix it only to find it caused several more 🀣 This game perfects the art of never quite solving problems, and just learning to live with letting them build πŸ˜‹

There's a nice realistic proportion of meetings, and as I squash out any bug more just appear and get bigger and bigger until the project spirals out of control. 

This was really neat and chaotic! Thanks for submitting!

Wow! I was really impressed by this! I love the shooting mechanics, and the way in which the modifier suggestions are played in is actually really good! The music is exhilarating, and the gameplay just feels really smooth. Almost to the point where I don't know whether this game is bad enough!

I think there were some minor gripes: I think the spoon especially was a horrible boss, and getting hit by the spin attack could kill you in one. For games with perma-death, it's worth making the game mind-numbingly easy for jam builds, as everyone has to get their grips around the game and may want to see everything the game has to offer without putting a whole lotta time in. 

With that said, I did persevere and put the time in and I liked what I saw! The  minigames were really well put together and I liked the differences between levels and bosses. I did get one minigame/level twice in a row which wasn't great but besides that the (I assume random) placement of levels worked well!

I  got up to the (presumably final) boss but couldn't make it past there since I'm not invincible πŸ˜… overall this was a lovely entry! Well done!

Wow! This game is classic SBIGJam!  The graphic design of this game is definitely some of the best I've seen this year. Character design are hilarious, the way the players are animated and their lines of dialogue are super SBIG-worthy!

This game had a bunch of great extra touches, from the lovely game page, to  the world design, to just the oddness of the story.

I also couldn't get past nixon hell, and couldn't quite work out if there is anything beyond it! Either way though I was really impressed with this game and had a blast playing it!

Wow this game was actually quite frantic! Having to constantly play through a  variety of minigames while keeping anyone from peaking in is actually  a really interesting gameplay loop that keeps you engaged!

I love the art style! The moving drawn outlines make add a lot of movement to the screen, which works really well at making the game seem alive!  Character design are really good! (not that I saw any of them as I am a pro gamer and definitely never got caught 😜) 

Eventually I  reached my dream shipfic between the Jazzasaur and the taxman, my OTP. There were lots of great references in the  character lists and a large selection with amazing drawings! I liked the minigames and the quick switching between them (though possibly some tutorials/explainers would go a long way for some of them!)

Overall yeah this was a really fun entry, that made the most of the modifier! Well done!

Love this so much! I  like a good murder mystery, and think the characters  and story are well written! I love the idea of the game taking place in a child's playset, even with a hand controlling Mr Mittens! I think it's a really nice touch and helps to create a really interesting scenario!

Great use of the modifiers! I love to see that πŸŽ·πŸ¦– is getting the attention it deserves this year! Thanks so much for submitting!

Wowweee! I really loved this entry! The amount of different options to solve an problem is absolutely tremendous, and I loved the creativity involved!

The graphics are great and have a really consistent aesthetic! they way the modifiers are implemented are super creative, and I loved the wacky janky ways you can come up with a solution.

I had some (many) issues with the drawing detection πŸ˜… though understand it must have been such a hard thing to implement in such a limited timeframe! I also encountered a bug specifically on the desktop version (which I didn't encounter on the WebGL build, where just no win conditions would ever trigger. Other than that though the game is super polished and I loved it!

Ended up spending a long time trying out every single solution to every level! Really well designed! thanks so much for submitting!

So fun! I never knew how much I wanted to be a Salmon! I was instantly drawing comparisons to like Ecco The Dolphin or Hungry Shark, but the cool thing about Salmon is how much they can jump! They're agile lil things!

The platforming is really fun, and over time you can get really good at it. I loved how well tuned the physics of the water were and just how good it felt! Was really impressed!

The levels had the perfect mix of janky design but really fun and well balanced leaps! I think this concept could really be expanded into something great, and I'd be really interested  in what  an expanded version of this game would be like! Thanks so much for submitting, and well done!

This was such a unique and creative interpretation of "Every suggestion combined"! I absolutely loved the story and it was really sweet! I always remembered being quite sad when science teachers at school said Pluto was not a planet: I was just like "Poor Pluto πŸ˜₯": I'm glad Pick-Me-Pretty-Please got it's happy ending!

This game is remarkably polished for a SBIGJam game: hell - just a jam game in general! There are features that I never usually like a saving icon πŸ˜… and I must say the jam page is one of the nicest looking pages I've seen! Honestly if anything it's probably *too* good! But I'll give SBIG credits for the way the second  planet battle is handled: That was super creative!

I also love the attention to sounds,  and the sorta mumble Voice Acting! I love a good mumble voice, and this worked really well for the story!

Thanks so much for submitting!

So this was an interesting one for me! I started by watching the trailer and reading through the instructions, but I still had a lot of trouble properly playing this game. 

I think the idea of objects disappearing when you lift your mouse button is a pretty major issue. The first few times I played I just thought there were being auto-applied on click, when actually they were just vanishing into thin air.

I also couldn't quite understand how to defeat the fingers? Walking past one takes away about half your health while the med-boxes seem to only restore a small amount. I feel like I was missing something, and   I think the game could definitely do with an intereactive tutorial of some sort which would massively help!

Otherwise though the graphics are really cool, and there is a good scary vibe to  the game. Thanks so much for submitting!

Probably one of the most unique ideas I've seen in SBIGJam, and very ambitious! I love the communal aspect of it, and how people can just submit cards (Also probably involves somewhat of a level of trust in people lol πŸ˜…)

While I may be slightly confused as to how certain cards beat each other out,  the battling noises are really funny and the overly long announcement upon playing a match is hilarious! (Although probably not something you want if playing multiple rounds πŸ˜„)

I also want to commend you on the itch page to visit the game, as it is one of the greatest not-games I've seen in SBIGJam. Very... *on point* with your previous entries! Overall  this was a really interesting entry and I'm glad to see something new tried in this way!

Wew this was a really fun little game! Lovely SFX and music, and the graphics are delightfully dreadful! 😍 The concept is really good, and I managed to get a highscore of 71.

The only suggestion  I might make is to make the jump physics slightly more floaty, as currently it's very very difficult to jump over bad suggestions. Those sorts of physics things can be quite hard to get perfect within the space of a jam  though! 

Anyway I loved this. Massive massive well done!

I loved this! The game was just short enough where I was compelled to try get through as much as possible! I eventually reached a  record of 167.22 which I was very proud of πŸ˜….

The randomised controls idea was really good! I was soon figuring out ways to quickly understand the level, spamming buttons until  I found the couple neccessary for that stage. It was fun to try and bring the speed up, when just to spam buttons and when to think more carefully.

The use of the modifiers was great, and there was definitely a good amount in here! The graphics and sound effects worked great and overall I just had a lot of fun!

What  a cool text adventure! I think this is the first game I've seen  made in Ink, so it was really interesting and worked really well for making a text adventure playable on itch!

I really loved how the story featured many, *many* references πŸ˜… I think my favourite part of this jam has been to go through the games and see a modifier, and then be like "Hey, I get that reference!"  This game just kept on hitting me with greats and it's really nice to have that feeling.

I'm usually not a massive fan of CYOA type games since I really like seeing every part a story has to offer and get FOMO πŸ˜… Though this story was short enough where I could just run through it loads and try  and get to every single part!

Feel bad   for making VoteBot so robust:  can't wait for part 2: VoteBot's Revenge! πŸ˜›

Lovely entry! It kinda reminds me of The Binding Of Isaac  if the developers of Isaac just didn't give a fuck about balance πŸ˜…

I think the upgrade system works really well, and some of them are very funny! The green suggestions are great, and the orange ones frustrating πŸ˜…. I feel like the orange suggestions are completely off the rails, and can lead to situations where all 3 options boil down to "ur gonna die on the next turn" πŸ˜… I feel like one thing to consider would be limiting the effects of all the orange suggestions to a single wave  (things like drugs, or try, can be a fun challenge for a single wave but get annoying as soon as you realise they're not going away any time soon).

The boss battle is really cool, and there is a lot to like about it! The dash really comes in handy to avoid the hands, and the sudden gravity for avoiding the boulders works seamlessly. I'd say the only time it gets frustrating is when the shooting enemies arrive, and then it goes into hands/boulders, where it's extremely difficult to avoid both entities, or quickly deal with the shooting enemy, making it very easy to die.

Overall though I thought this worked really well and is a nice take on the modifier. Thanks for submitting!

This was such an awesome entry! I love a good murder mystery, and this one created a really interesting set of characters.  I love the completely mismatched graphics that somehow all fit together. 

I managed to get all six endings according to the menu (though I think Karen's ending bugged out slightly).  Loved the "It was me all along" ending and all the rest had satisfying conclusions too! Thanks so much for submitting!

Awesome  game! There certainly was many bees! I like the idea of basing the game around one of the (many) modifiers and  trying  to insert a whole bunch of extra tasks. The minigames were good and not too difficult, and the idea of having a to-do list with (kind of clear) objectives worked really well!

I think some  additional sounds  (besides the admittedly  groovy ending music) would go a long way to make the game feel slightly more energetic, and I think you could quite easily go further in mixing things up and playing on the players' expectations. Other than that though this is a great project! Well done!

Really interesting little local multiplayer game! Very simple but plays really well!

I loved how the movement works, and how the characters could accelerate infinitely fast big-rigs style! πŸ˜… It's an extremely simple game for now, but I could see this idea be expanded upon quite a lot!

Thanks for submitting!

Apologies in advance for what might be one of the most brutal SBIGJam reviews I've ever made.

This game had extreme mixed emotions for me. The whole concept was really exciting! One of my favourite memories as a child is having a  128-in-1 cartridge for my Game  Boy Advance, filled to the brim of games and very obvious clones for said games  (ones I specifically remember were mario & luigi:  a clone of nuts and milk, as well as McDonalds Time, a clone of Burger Time!) There was so much to love about that cart and the whole idea of taking all 172 modifiers and turning it into a bootleg multicart is one of the most amazingly creative ideas I've seen!

My main problem for me though is with the execution: and I think that's  because in my opinion it breaks rule one of SBIGJam, "it has to be fun to play".  This might have been my fault more than anyone's, as I am a completionist when it comes to SBIGJam games, and when I see 68 stars to collect,  I am going to try my very very hardest to collect all 68 stars. I played this game for  well over an hour, and for every game I kinda thought "ooh it's cool how they handled this" for a few seconds before spending several minutes painfully trying to complete it. The platforming and the circle puzzle sections were the most frustrating of them all. With the platforming sections my jumps barely ever registered while I was moving, and the hitboxes were painfully inexact at times, making levels just really frustrating to play. While I loved some of the ways the levels were modified, I didn't love actually playing them at all.  When it got to the "haven't we been here already" level, I thought "no they're not actually gonna make me complete the level 16 times" before having to complete  the level 16 times. And you bet I completed it.

The most frustrating level, and the one level I  couldn't complete, was the "Get out of my head" level. The rotating puzzles were obscenely difficult and I just couldn't do it. It got to the point where I just turned the sound off, listened to a podcast for a while and just went for it for 20 minutes, but even then I could not get past this single level.

The main thing to remember in these jams is there are a lot of games, and to a certain extent  one needs to respect the players' time. It's a difficult problem to get right and one that I've definitely struggled with in plenty of my entries. However the main thing I've noticed over the years is that I've never seen a single complaint about a jam game being too easy, and I've seen  countless  complaints about jam games being too hard.

Overall though this game was brimming with creativity, and I loved seeing how every modifier was handled in a unique way! Thanks so much for submitting and well done πŸ˜€

Wew this was a blast!!

I didn't know what to expect going into this game this year, but it had a lot of nice and not a lot of not nice, if you know what I mean! 

The premise of the story is absolutely hilarious, and leads to some very goofy hijinks!  The whole story is amazingly cohesive and well-told, and you did a great job at exploring the concept!  Some of the conversations and characters really did make me laugh out loud, and I liked the way that you could really learn stuff about different characters by looking around their rooms and talking to other people.

The way the faces and conversations work is also really great! Sometimes you'd see heads bent in ungodly fashions, or have the camera clip through and have some lovely internal organs to look at. Worst case the body or head just blocks the camera completely, but to be honest managing dynamic cameras in unity is so hard that does take a lot a faffing about just to make something work acceptably, and having the  angles different with every conversation at least puts some fun in it!

The nonsensical nature of some of the murders (and arrests) is hilarious  and I loved all of them. I managed to pull the plug on violet then electrocute her in the bathtub which I'm especially proud of πŸ˜› The ending worked really well and was really worth playing through for!

I guess the only thing that makes me sad when it comes to games with branching dialogue/options, is that I don't get to see it all at once, and I  don't have the patience to  play multiple times πŸ˜… if there was ever an update that allowed dialogue skipping, or possibly even unmurdering/unarresting to try out different combinations, it would be really interesting to try and explore all paths and dialogue options!

Overall this game was so so good! I really liked the way it was presented and could even see this idea being taken much further. The idea of a hitman/detective/alien could easily be escalated to crazy levels, and there are a lot of avenues for this concept unexplored!

Thanks so much for submitting! Absolutely worth the wait!

Wow this was such an amazing experience! Honestly it's always great to see what you come up with each year, and Ponkopon is a surprisingly well-rounded lil FPS!

What absolutely  stands out to me is the sheer number of themes I noticed in this game! I think it's especially great how some of the less  popular themes also got a superb feature in here. One of my favourite implementations of a theme was Randomised Gravity - that  concept in the boss battle just worked so well and was such a creative  design choice. Some of the more subtle themes (like ludonarrative dissonance)  were definitely there in full force, and there really wasn't a single  frame in the game where you didn't notice on of the modifier suggestions.

I think slightly more  audiovisual feedback when hitting an enemy would go a super long way in making the game feel more responsive. Even something like flashing red on each hit would show the player  that their hits are hitting.  I love the jumping physics and how free and floaty it feels, and the enemy designs, and cutscene images are all absolutely stunning 😍

Thanks so much for submitting! I really enjoyed this game!

So I am coming from this game as an avid monkey  ball enjoyer. Having played countless hours of Super Monkey Ball Deluxe and  Super Monkey Ball Jr on GBA, I have to admit this game was refreshingly relaxing and forgiving in comparison πŸ˜… No horrible physics when going up hills, no moving platforms, and no timer. I think it  worked really well though as I could just relax and take in the serene musical and graphical experience. The soundtrack was excellent and served the game really well. I also loved how the game just doesn't have a win state or anything πŸ˜…It's one of those things where to make a game look this lazy it requires a lot of creativity, and that's something I always appreciate at SBIGJam. Well done!

What an elegant  little game! First off, I love the character design of Butt Pooper! Kind of like a clay style a la the likes of Gang Beasts or Human: Fall flat, but with very fluid movement which feels energetic and chaotic. I think like the movement is while not the most consistent ever, fairly intuitive and fun to mess around with. Honestly it's just a really great feeling game! 

I also had issues with the out-of-bounds detection on level 4, but managed to get past it and get to the end. The story is very succinct and fitting, and overall   I came out of this game very amused. 

 Well done and thanks for submitting!

This is an interesting one! First  trying to collect the items as fast as possible, trying to navigate the map, and then trying to prevent grimaces from taking over and slowing my PC to a crawl πŸ˜‚

I think the concept is great and I love the way the characters just float about getting stuck in things πŸ˜… I think there's definitely a few kinks to be ironed out! Especially  with how the walls are very easy to walk through and fall off, but you know, it's SBIGJam πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

(Also as a minor note, make sure  to mark the OS for your game on  the game settings, as it makes it possible for people to install the game via the Itch app!)

Anyway this was a really funny,  timely, and  relevant to the modifier game! Makes me sad that I could never get a grimace shake 😭 but well done!

Wew this was super interesting! I love a good 2d fighting game (big fan of Stick Fight and the like!) The weapons in this game are super fun to use, and while some are definitely a mixed bag, I  really enjoyed messing about with them all.

The story and presentation is nothing short of perfect. The menu. Perfect. The opening cutscene. Perfect. The way the game just closes unceremoniously when you die. Perfect. Every part of this game just has a certain level of jank.

I wasn't expecting to see slowdown on my system, so I set the minimum framerate to 0. God was I wrong πŸ˜‚. I think It must have gone down to about 2 seconds/frame at one point. Though sometimes it felt quite fun like a very stuttery bullet time. 

Thanks so much for submitting! I really enjoyed this entry!

Okay wow! This was quite an experience!

First off from my perspective, I love the development type game concept and all it has to offer. I'm pretty sure Game Dev Tycoon  is one of my most played games on steam (344.2 hours, and that doesn't even include the time I spent on the windows store version πŸ˜‚) And you know I modded the hell out of that game to add as many game topics, consoles, and extra features as possible!

First I tried  playing the game "Vanilla" so to speak, and it was a very enjoyable experience.  I kinda found at first that just spamming the keyboard and accepting every single idea seems to be an effective money-making strategy for better or for worse πŸ˜… even though you know I *should* have been looking at the upstream. I make the game it's my rules πŸ˜›

The music player was hilarious. Unfortunately for me the main thing in my  Music folder (Besides some trumpet backing tracks) is my "Crap Bin" folder full of audio recordings that were never meant to see the light of day. I was instantly greeted by old acapella audition tapes of me, some weird songs that I had made up but then scrapped as they were terrible, and (unfortunately) a lot of blank audio files that I have on my computer for *reasons*.   suffice to say drowning the  sound out with lots of employees clacking away was very welcome πŸ˜‚

Anyway  I tried hooking my own music up. Was a bit of a problem as my actual music folders are a weird mashup of symbolic links and old windows installs. I eventually managed to get the only album I had (A collection of Beatles singles) onto the game by moving it to G:\\mp3.  That was beautiful and I loved to hear it. 

I tried messing around with some parameters. I think this concept would work really well for a game that has much more wackier parameters (for example  if it was a game that spawn janky physics objects  it would be so funny if you could just turn it up mega high and make your PC slow to  a crawl  πŸ˜… Though I wonder whether  it was the right fit for this sorta game, where the parameters are a lot more *boring*. I think even just having some *weird* parameters might have helped ("Add geese", or something idk πŸ˜…) as that would give the player some more of an instant gratification for taking the time to mess around with the json files, rather than the more nuanced aspect of adjusting the simulation parameters.

Eventually I landed on making the suggestion rate 0 (which caused some division errors but hey), and making sure my company would never gain or lose money, and hiring no employees. That way there was no additional noise or interruption, and I had the perfect music player to listen to my Beatles Album in peace.

In the end I got a score  of  1E+17 . Haters say  I just edited the persist.json file but that's just a skill issue on their part. Thanks so much for submitting and well done!

I loved this so much!  Very spoopy game. If flaming skulls don't make you scared, then surely talk of paying taxes will!

I  think it was a really good and creative take on the modifier. Being able to select some and piece them together into a zany storyline works really well I think, and it told a fun narrative!

I guess the only thing I would say is try not to map L-click to both Skip Text and hit. After defeating the boss I found myself accidentally skipping the ending text, and having to play through again to see it πŸ˜…

Otherwise this was a very fun little experience and I'm glad I  tried it! Thanks for submitting!

(Actual review lol)

I have to  admit I  did not  know what to expect when playing this game. I certainly didn't expect my PC to blue-screen immediately upon playing πŸ˜‚ No idea why that happened lol. 

The concept is really fun, and as an indecisive  game developer myself, I  very much resonate with this story. I made a game about 5 or so years ago called "PLACEHOLDER NAME" which was also about developers trying to make decisions about features vs polish in a tight game jam. It's lovely to see this idea taken on once again as it's such a fun fourth-wall break. 

Gameplay wise it was hard, but I was thankful for the fairly frequent checkpoints. You could learn from the Mario school of platforming and add a  few extra frames after leaving the edge of a platform in order to jump,  I found myself falling of due to failed jumps many times and having to do a jump then move which is fairly unintuitive. However I really loved the variety of this game, and you absolutely nailed the different ideas!

Mapping R to restart level was delightfully devilish πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… and I found myself constantly restarting the level while instinctively trying to reload. For any other game jam I would be so mad but for this jam I completely understand. 

Thanks so much for taking part and   making this! I really enjoyed the experience, and had a lot of fun!

This is so bad. I might have to disqualify you

Had a lovely time playing this game!  Honestly the haphazard nature of different themes all serves to make a beautifully disjointed experience, perfect for SBIGJam! I liked the use of context clues and world exploration. For some reason it reminded me of The Witness in some weird way lol. 

My absolute highlight was the baby-kicking minigame, which was tremendously well-executed and could probably be expanded up itself (made me sad thinking what would of been if "Kick the baby" actually won as a modifier this year πŸ˜“)

Well done on this beautiful experience, and thanks for taking part in the jam!

Always love to see a good scratch game at SBIGJam πŸ˜€ Brings back the memories of when I was using it probably more than 10 years ago at this point πŸ˜… Gameplay is slightly unintuitive at first, but I managed to get the concept in the end.

I would love to see some minor improvements that would make the game much easier to play! Starting the player in a fixed X/Y  position would mean that you can't instantly die if you press the play button over a spike. Having some kind of countdown would also be helpful for playability, and some sound effects would really help improve the game!

Thanks for submitting!

Congrats on coming in the top 10! πŸ˜€ If possible, could you message me on Discord (Znedd1 on the SBIGJam server!) regarding being featured on this year's 'Best of the Worst' Collection!

Congrats on coming in the top 10! πŸ˜€ If possible, could one of you message me on Discord (Znedd1 on the SBIGJam server!) regarding being featured on this year's 'Best of the Worst' Collection!

Last is the last (and quite possibly least πŸ˜…) game that I've played this jam. It's definitely an experience. This might be the worst possible comparison, but it kinda reminds me of the juggling minigame on my old Gameboy Camera πŸ˜‚ Only a lot more, shit, in the literal sense. 

Anyway, sound effects work perfectly. And the game is quite fun and repeatable! I think I got a high score of about 60 (but couldn't tell exactly since the game resets instantly πŸ˜…) Overall, a very 'So bad it's good' game. Well done!

Woooh! That was an awesome experience! I didn't quite know what to expect, but I didn't expect this!

The game started out about as I'd imagine, but when it deviated from that it was v cool (not necessarily a surprising given the warnings at the beginning, but a great plot twist!

Honestly, the sheer volume of dialogue and story content is amazing. My main problem with RPG Maker games is that I've probably missed something really funny/interesting πŸ˜… but even so I managed to catch many references within this game! Other modifiers, other game ideas??! It did make me laugh. I thought this game really excelled in building the world and characters, and there is definitely some hilariously written dialogue in here!

There is some lovely art complementing the RPG maker-ey stuff in the game.  The clash of styles is really funny, and it's always a bit of a surprise what you see in this!

I got slightly lost after the tortoise scene close to the end, as I completely missed that staircase  and instead went back to my office πŸ˜… other than that though, the game is signposted very well.

The song at the end is hands down excellent! glad you included the MP3 as a separate download so we called all listen at our leisure.

Overall, and especially given the short timeframe this game was made in, this game is remarkably complete and full of great content! Well done!

I was really looking forward to this one, so saved it until the final day where I could spend a proper morning on it! Personally I have absolutely zero FNAF experience (Apart from "Five Nights At Friday Night Funkin'", of course!) so I knew I was going to have to learn the rope. I started off by reading through the introduction on the games page, in order to get a proper idea.

One things stood out for me: "Yes, you almost definitely will lose the game at first". Now that sounds like a challenge!

I meticulously went through the TLDR for the game, looking at the controls and individual mechanics. I read through the field guide, to get a good picture of the enemies movements. I set out an in-depth plan, as what to do if what do if which enemy is on what camera. What should take precedent over each other, and how we can minimise  the tortoise's exposure.

Then I scrapped that and did the following:

1. always keep the door shut

2. only exception to rule 1 is to shut Percival up as soon as possible.

And it turns out my blissful ignorance of the outside world worked perfectly! I got to the end of the day with the asleepn'tness meter only like 30% full, on my very first attempt! 😍

While that was great and all, I felt I was suffering from success here, since I didn't, you know, actually look at any of the cameras or anything πŸ˜… I went back through the game again in order to have a proper go. It seems very well put-together! There is a clear trajectory of people's movements. It feels hectic and fun, and the characters are well thought out. I was annoyed that I couldn't actually hear Percival's Audio tracks πŸ˜… (I wasn't going to jeopardize the tortoise's sleep in order to listen to them!) So I decided to go to the github page and just download the audio files! Amazing covers of Sweet Caroline and Good Morning Good Morning. +1 sound for kazoo.

Overall, I had a fun time trying this out. Well done for putting it all together!