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(1 edit)

Thank you very much !

I'm glad you see it as dramatic!

So I thought about having the creatures shot and explode when you destroy them, but before the deadline it seemed risky to make it happen. It's part of the core game mechanics and if I wasn't able to make it work before the deadline my game could be bugged.

I thought about adding flashing lighting bolts and explosions when destroying, but it might take some time to implement.

For now when you destroy, the orb and the light and avatars change, and the creatures get attracted to the blue orb instead of the yellow one. So you weren't sure sometimes if you were destroying or integrating right?

Also one challenge of the game is that you don't know if you destroyed/integrated correctly. So you will have to rely on your memory or intuition! (Well done for finding the secret page)

Oh no, I didn't do the graphics myself haha. In one week? 😱No, I used assets! 😉