Fairly solid platforming, though it felt a little floaty for my tastes.
But still had a lot of fun platforming challenges and overall I really enjoyed it.
A pity about the resolution though.
Some delay or prep time between levels would have been nice - if you don't let release the buttons immediately you can run directly into spikes etc. at the start of the next level.
And a more clear end goal - currently you just walk of the edge of the screen which was fine since you're generally going up, but it wasn't always super clear.
Visibility in the outside levels was a bit poor. Not terrible, but some more contrast between the robot and background would have been nice.
I also got stuck stuck between two disappearing blocks while walking on them a couple of times.
And was there not audio? Not sure if this was just on my end, or a browser issue though.
Also kind of sucks I got the bad ending but I'm pretty sure I collected the blueprints in every level.