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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh cool this seems pretty thorough.
Though I did have some thoughts trying to go through it:

I get this is pretty niche but I still think a more gradual introduction could make it way more accessible.
As is, it's a lot to wrap your head around. As a reference it's fine maybe, but as a tutorial for a beginner it's pretty overwhelming.
Basically you explain so much stuff up front, and without any context, it's hard to remember or really understand - right now there's 200+ lines to get through before there's a concrete example of how to use it.

I'd suggest more of a build up - introduce a single concept, then put it into practice, and repeat.
To start off I think a brief description of the PC, memory, and instructions/opcodes, followed by how to use WriteMode.
Then possibly an example of say counting a register up to 10.
Next it could introduce loading a palette, and drawing a single letter to screen, also with an example.
Possibly there could be one or two more concepts with examples building on the previous ones.

At this point hopefully I'd have a better understanding of what's going on and a more detailed explanation of bytes, memory, etc., and the list of instructions and interrupts won't just go over my head.

Also I haven't play around with it too much yet, but going through the example I thought these shortcuts would have been convenient: (though maybe some of them are beyond the scope or not in the spirit of such a project I don't know)

  • Set/clear all bits at current memory address
  • A keyboard shortcut for switching between val and loc
  • Prev/next memory address without needing to move the cursor to loc
  • Insert memory address
  • Copy paste maybe
  • Shortcuts for some common instructions maybe, e.g. 1 could set an interrupt, 2 for LD, 3 for ST.

And one last thing - unless I'm misunderstanding something saving and loading don't seem to work properly.
Loading just does nothing, and saving doesn't work if there's already a simsuntitled.sims save file.

A bit basic but shooting spiders was super satisfying.

It did look amazing and I loved the colours (though it didn't stick strictly to the 64x64 limitation).

(2 edits)

Loved the crazy palette on this you somehow made it work. And the UI was really well done.

Gameplay did feel a bit slow - there's like 5 or 6 seconds of just waiting around between each action.
Plus there was no real substance or variety to it - just wait and press the button at the right time and repeat.
It also took me a while to realise the white rings next to the attacks were actually the direction you needed to press.

Not sure what to say about this one. I loved the concept and visuals, and everything felt super polished.
But gameplay wise it felt a bit lacking. There didn't seem to be much strategy/challenge - mostly I just repeatedly move then scan (or wait for the enemy to surface), then move into place and shoot.

(1 edit)

This was a cute classic little tower defence.

Gameplay wasn't much of a challenge and could feel a bit slow at times, and a next wave button also could have been nice.
The flame throwers also made it pretty hard to see what was going on, not that it was a major issue.

I also wasn't a huge fun of the music, which didn't seem to fit the reset of the 8 bit sfx.

At one point the enemies just stopped moving, and non of the towers were doing any damage.

Super cool game - digging was satisfying, and collecting resources and upgrading was, so not much to complain about.

Being able to dig up would have been nice, though I understand that might be part of the "strategy" of the game.
Also a super minor thing is I felt like once you start digging it should lock in that direction until you're done so you can release or change the arrow keys.

A bit simple, but interesting concept. Exploring, getting new weapons, and fighting different enemies was pretty fun.

Some of the art did look sloppy to me with the thick black outlines, and the animation was a bit stiff.
Movement and combat did also feel a bit clunky to me.

Really interesting aesthetic, and had a very professional vibe about.
I think the black/red worked quite well for this, though it sometimes did make enemies hard to see.

I liked the variety the different mini games provided, and combat was generally pretty satisfying, though since it used the mouse it felt like I should have been able to fire in any direction, and the enemies that could fire through walls, and sometimes having the laser enemy spawn right on top of me felt a bit unfair.

The UI covering the bottom/top of some maps was kind of unfortunate, the camera should have been allowed to move up and down a bit.
I also had an issue on the first map I played where some of the enemies went off screen I think and I couldn't progress. An exit/restart would have been nice.

The planet looked nice, and the dog was cute, though the animations were very stiff.

The movement was quite slow and walking up/down hills looked awkward.
The keyboard for attack would have made more sense than the mouse for this.

Also it would have looked better and fit the jam theme better I think if the visuals were pixel aligned or true 64x64.

Initial thoughts are that it's extremely laggy in game making just moving the mouse kind of frustrating, and at first glance I'm not really sure what I'm looking at.
The fact that the mouse didn't align properly with the pixel grid really bugged me.

Also mission 2 was unplayable and would just give an instant defeat as soon as I hit play.

(1 edit)

This was super cool - very polished and professional.

I love the really heavy feeling jump, though getting the timing/distance right on those one tile platforms felt too hard.

Other than that it was just all round pretty fantastic so no complaints.

Wow this looked and sounded amazing! You really managed to create an atmosphere with this, and I loved the different animals.
There were tons of small details like the plants swaying, water drops underground, different footsteps, idle animation, and the player water effects.

I loved the art and colour palette which were really unique.

There was some confused dialog, e.g. when I was the chicken there were some mushrooms that would give fox dialog when interacted with.

Movement could have been a little tighter maybe - it did feel a little floaty and unnatural with the fox, and hitboxes and movement around corners with the fish could be awkward.

Also pressing enter during dialog should first complete the current line so it can be read before skipping to the next one.

(1 edit)

Moving utensils around on the ground was hard to control and not very fun.
I also found it hard to really understand what I was supposed to be doing, and I'm not sure why you'd be getting utensils from the fridge.

Audio was a bit basic - the footstep sfx sounded terrible, and the music was repetitive.

The background was kind of harsh - the white/dark grey was pretty hard on my eyes.
The way the "flames" from the chill gun were attached and rotated with it looked strange and unnatural.

Seemed like an interesting concept. Growing the plant to climb was neat.
Though at first it was kind of hard to tell what was going on, or what I was supposed to be doing.
Still not sure what the falling purple things were, or if them hitting me was a good or bad thing.

The controls were also awkward - the fly was hard to control and seemed to just get stuck moving in a specific direction, and left/right with the squirrel not matching was also confusing.

The plant would also glitch out sometimes suddenly stretching off to the sides.

Super cool.
Loved the concept, and how it really made me carefully think about my next move, especially as the snake got longer.

The graphics were simple but looked good, and the audio also matched really well.

The instant camera movement was a little jarring at first, but I did get used to it.

(1 edit)

This looked great, and I loved the animated menu screen.

Gameplay and animations were super smooth.

Very ambitious concept. Cool that you even had a 3D dungeon.

Moving around outside was slow and awkward, and the art felt pretty sloppy.

The fact that you could knock things off of shelves was hilarious.

Gameplay and art was pretty basic though, and the movement/platforming was very stiff feeling. Plus as others mentioned the lack if audio was unfortunate.

Seemed kind of strange that burning houses are shooting fireballs. Being able to refill water was also a strange decision. I felt like needing to constantly reload for no reason was just a chore, so it could have either been scrapped, or been fleshed out into a mechanic that added something more to the game, e.g. needing to collect or ration water, or finding refilling stations.

As someone else mentioned the hitboxes were way too large, making it hard to judge if something was going to hit. Dodging fireballs and getting the right angle on houses was mostly just a chore, instead of being a fun challenge.

The music was also a bit repetitive.

Very simple art but I really liked it. The large sword looked cool, but some of the animations were stiff.

Movement and jumping was a bit stiff, and it was unclear what the plants did. The wind sfx sounded kind of weird.

And when I died to the dragon it just disappeared.

Simple and fun, and I loved the colour palette.

Honestly can’t think of anything to complain about.

This looked and sounded great. The background, shadow, and synced music were all very cool.

It was pretty hard though.

A bit more of a build up maybe would have been nice? And the perspective did make it a little hard to tell would you would hit, and maybe the hitboxes could have been a bit more forgiving.

Neat concept.

Upgrades affecting both the player and enemies was a cool idea, but most of the time it just made upgrading feel pointless or less satisfying - I feel like there could have been a better balance there.

There were upgrades, but the movement did feel a bit sluggish. And the fact that it cancelled your movement forcing you to release and repress keys was really annoying/confusing.

I also found the music kind of hard to listing to, and sfx were fairly basic.

Neat concept.

Upgrades affecting both the player and enemies was a cool idea, but most of the time it just made upgrading feel pointless or less satisfying - I feel like there could have been a better balance there.

There were upgrades, but the movement did feel a bit sluggish. And the fact that it cancelled your movement forcing you to release and repress keys was really annoying/confusing.

I also found the music kind of hard to listing to, and sfx were fairly basic.

Cute idea, but the start could have definitely be a bit faster. Possibly starting the bonsai partially grown would have been nicer than staring at an empty screen for a few minutes before you could do anything. Trimming was also really awkward - needing to place the cursor at very specific spots was more difficult than it should have been, and for a while I genuinely thought there might be a bug preventing me from doing anything. The inactive toolbar also just confused things. Maybe you could have just hidden that until they get implemented.

Sometimes the time would just stop for about 30 seconds before moving again so not sure if there was a reason for that or if it’s just a bug. There’s also visible flashing behind the tree as the background colour changes.

I kind of wished it looked a little nicer. Maybe some softer colours, a more interesting background, or some more detail on the tree.

I think some feedback when your bullet hits something (particles, screenshake, etc.) would have made it feel a lot better. Same goes for when the player gets hit.

Ship movement was a bit stiff and unrealistic, and some basic animation would have also made it look and feel better.

The lack of an end/game over screen was also disappointing, and tracking your high score would have given me more reason to continue playing.

A bit too simple maybe.

The graphics were fairly nice bit very basic and the animation stiff.

Music/sfx were missing, and the gameplay was very straightforward without much to keep me wanting to play for more than a minute or two.

As the speed increased, the screen shake made it extremely difficult to see what’s happening.

That was awesome. The gameplay, art, animation, sound, everything felt great. Slowly building up the ground underneath you with enemy corpses, combined with some simple sand physics is such a cool novel idea. Gameplay was generally great - killing enemies was super satisfying, shooting and collecting ammo provided some challenge but wasn’t too easy or too difficult. Movement did feel a little slippery and uncontrollable at times.

I also thought it would have been nice to have some way to deal with bats that get too low. Right now trying to dodge or hit bats in line or below you is not very fun, but I suppose preventing them from getting too close could be considered part of the challenge.

The lack of music/ambience did make it feel a bit quiet.

Neat concept. Some audio would have definitely made it feel more complete. Killing enemies was also fairly boring without any sort of feedback, e.g. sound, particles, screen shake.

And maybe I was doing something wrong, but some turrets just wouldn’t fire no matter what I did.

Pretty cute. The graphics were minimal but still managed to looked quite nice. A bit of polish, like the player sprite changing direction based on the direction you were moving would have been nice.

Flying could feel a little slow, but overall was fairly satisfying. Gameplay was a bit basic and I feel like you could have expanded on it, even in this short time period.

Pretty fun overall. The graphics and colour palette were quite nice.
Super cool that you had some simple sand physics, though the digging could be a little awkward at times.

Movement and jump did feel a bit slow and sluggish though.
After the start gameplay was a bit repetitive and I did lose some motivation to keep playing.

But were also not very fun to fight.

Fun concept. Though things seemed to just float around it was hard to tell which direction anything was headed, maybe that just me, or the low resolution though.
Controlling the ship also felt a bit sluggish and unsatisfying.

The concept was cute, and I liked the minimal graphics.
Walking round corners looked terrible though.

Gameplay was a bit boring and repetitive, and the levels felt a bit samey - at first there were a few times where I wasn't sure if I had gone to the next level, or just ended up back at the beginning.

The platforming wasn't very satisfying - movement felt a bit stiff and unrealistic and some of the difficulty felt unfair.
Bumping into walls that you can't see on the next screen was really frustrating, and there were a lot of jumps that required specific speed/height or you either don't make it, or hit your head on a wall.

All this combined with the super hard punishment of possibly falling back down to the start made this overall pretty frustrating.

The shadows also looked a bit unnatural - maybe they could have extended farther to the ground and faded out a bit.

Besides for that it did look pretty nice and the lizard/sun concept was cute.

Cool idea and looked nice, but lacked actual content unfortunately.

Pretty fun.
I like the farmer's design and the large nose made me think of squidward.

The beginning was a bit slow, and then quickly become quite hard.
Hitboxes could have been a bit more forgiving maybe - navigating between plants could be frustrating.

Hitting enemies and picking up/planting could also be a bit finicky.

No real gameplay or content, and completed it in a few seconds.

The walk speed was stupidly slow, and the animation could have used some improvement.

Seemed like a cool concept. Unfortunately WASD stoped working after my first run, even after restarting the game.

It was a little unclear what some stuff did, I'm not really sure if the bombs were good or bad, but they didn't seem to do anything.

I also get the sun needed to seem intense, but the bright yellow constantly over most of the screen did feel like a bit much sometimes.