It took a bit for everything to click for me but once it did, I found that the game had a very interesting premise that took the foundations of chess, while adding just enough variables to the mix to have it really stand out on its own merits.
The mechanics are simple, but the strategy involved makes for a very interesting game of back-and-forth, with the control points offering an additional win-condition in order to allow a player to determine which targets get the highest priority, as well as each piece receiving a unique ability to really make players stop and consider how they want to synergize their abilities together.
On the other hand, the game's visuals leave a lot to be desired, though I also understand that it was less an issue with the author and moreso technical difficulties that came up during the conversion process. With that being said, the text is still clearly arranged and all the mechanical information is properly conveyed to the reader.
Overall, this game is a fine variant to the chess formula. Would recommend to chess and board game enthusiasts alike.