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I like the name for this one,  gave me a good laugh! It took me a couple tries to actually get a package and deliver it, and it seems like the AI always got theirs delivered - which I suppose makes sense and perhaps that's the message of the game: that this isn't a job fit for humans?  I would say  the main thing I had trouble with is the platforming mechanic. Maybe if the shelves had some kind of extension platform to make it easier to hop up to I might have had a chance to compete, but more often than not I was just jumping up and down on and off the same ledge trying and failing to get to the one higher up. Or maybe it was just too cramped for me to find the right angle to hop up? Still,  I think it was a solid execution overall.

(1 edit)

Totally agree with your feedback, I originally made this in 3 days for the Wowie Game Jam and kind of burnt myself out. I should have used the extra time for this jam to make the platforming around the shelves feel much better, but [insert excuses].

And you’re right, doing what your boss tells you is the trap. I also needed to figure out how to make that more clear to players…