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Deleted 1 year ago

I just don't like a person who is sticking their their guns. For Emma to in public stand up for feminists and be brave, for her to secretly want to be owned and used and treated badly is a turn off. I already passed up chances to have sex with her because I hated the never ending battle of the sexes war between her and the MC. 

Deb, I totally agree. I don't mind a women on top of in charge in sex. But I don't wanna be denied cumming or treated as a prop or property. Not okay. So I have no choice but to ignore her. Even though I liked her until I found out what she likes. 

I get what the author is trying to do with the game. But ultimately it prevent someone like me to thrive in the game. My likes in sex and romance are much more subtle. And the game doesn't acknowledge a person like me. It more goes for people who like to go all in on whatever kink they like. But for a person who doesn't like most kinks and never goes beyond vanilla, that person is stuck in situations they hate. And with the illusion of choice. Next chapter I'm gonna have to dump lots of the girls and stick to just Lea. But that is simply because that's the only option left to me. That or watch scenes I don't like. Maybe it would have been better to reveal what every lover likes from the start so a person who isn't into none of their kinks would never buy the game. I'm happy with Lea. But is she alone enough to play thru a whole game? I guess. But barely. 

In the end I'll probably just fly thru every update now that Lea is all I'm into. So if a chapter comes with her barely in it, I'm thinking I'll be play that chapter for about 2 hrs.