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A really good concept. It looks good, it plays good, and It's incredibly satisfying to punch stuff.

It's a shame that the game is unfinished, because it could easily be ranked way higher among other games, just for the gameplay alone. There's not much else to do in the game: enemies knock you back, but don't harm or kill you. Collecting hearts doesn't do anything, and map exits have no collision, which means it's possible to get out of bounds.

One thing to note: hearts do not despawn if you collect them, and enemies/pots respawn after you re-enter the same area. If you repeatedly hit pots in a certain way, it's possible to fill the screen with hearts until the game crash.

I must admit that I had a lot of fun trying to crash the game as fast as possible. :P

Overall, it's a  fun and well thought idea. Even for an unfinished game, the idea is so good that I think it might very well stand above other big submissions in presentation and gameplay.