This one is pretty solid in how it plays, and I like the little sprites a lot. I think where it missteps is in a couple of the little things, either not considered or obviously not fixed in time. Giving feedback when anything happens would have been a good addition, especially with how many hits some of these enemies absorb. And the player's bullets could've been a decent bit bigger, because the enemy bullets outsize them so much. Doesn't help that the bullets seemed to fire above where you actually pointed them, which added some fake difficulty far away shooting. The boss fight in particular felt both cramped and too far to hit at the same time. With a wider arena and a more trustworthy aiming system I think the end fight would be a lot more enjoyable.
I loved the little text effects and some other details in the presentation btw, that was super extra for a game jam.
Anywho, it was a fun short little experience, and I liked how the HP kinda got more forgiving as you died lol.