Wow, really nice strategy game! making it real time, having a grid, but making units move without restrictions, wonderful!
I am going to point out a lot of thing but don't take me wrong, this game is surely one of my favorites.
1. Plz make it possible to build some walls, it would be awesome to be able to fortify my holdings
2. There are some balancing issues, I basically started to lose, and when I noticed that, I just spend all my gems and bought all the tiles (while losing) and winning the game, by just clicking all the tiles. (after playing for some time, the gem production is more than the gem need, so there is always a surpluss) I would suggest to make each new tile a little bit more expensive.
3. Everything was ok, until the sudden attack of the ghosts, the power of the baddies, with no warning at all, increased significantly, changing the whole game. I do not know if you made it that way in purpose, or not, I didn't find it disturbing tho, so no need to change it, I just wanted to point it out, that the enemy numbers suddenly increased.
4. I really loved the way the units were moving by themselves and were not restricted to move by tile to tile, it was a really nice idea, and it was enjoyable to see the battles, while in the same time developing a strong economy to support the armies.
5. It was really nice to see a boardgame-like game being in real time, nice one!
tl;dr: Wonderful and amazing game, congratulations!