This was a novel idea with really cool battlers used. Really wanted to like this one, but I found it a deeply frustrating affair. First of all, knowing the exact strategy of the enemies is either a game of trial and error, or paying for hints and/or using a scanner and losing. Learning weaknesses that way is not fun.
Second, even knowing the weaknesses, it's not always clear how to capitalize on them, and frequent misses on attacks are frustrating and can lead to failed attempts even when a winning strategy is known.
Lastly, the UX for selecting teams and entering battles is a bit clumsy. More than once I accidentally picked the first battle too quickly instead of scrolling down the list, and there was no way to cancel out but to enter the battle and lose/win. Picking teams had some of the same UX issues.
In my view, one or two play testers would have shown the problems with this. Giving the players at least a few forgiving battles before getting into the more difficult challenges would have helped a lot. Instead, as early as the second battle it was a test of players patience, so I fear most people would miss out on the vast majority of the game.