Nice an quick little game. Im not a fan of horror games cause Im a scaredy cat but this one has more tension than jump scares, which was appreciated. and thats why I enjoyed it. Great voice lines and sound effects.
Are the knives dodgeable or I just suck? I got hit by all of them XD. Also, It ran at an average of 24 FPS, is that normal?
I found a glitch where I died twice as soon I entered last room. There is also another one where prior to last room the item holder still shines blue but there is no item there.
Good solid Entry, good luck you!!
Filthy Peasants
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Hi Erin!
Yeah, I think what we take of all this is that it was a nice idea but poorly executed. I agree with what you said, that having one "information center" would have help to lighten the struggle of figuring battles out.
The pub sounds actually great, like other champions retired giving tips on their experiences.
Thanks for trying our game and leaving your thoughts, appreciated it!
Hey Kv!
Yeah, we thought that the scanner and the hints wants enough, it was supposed to be a game of trial and error, but it wasn't fun enough that way. We thought later on adding certain "speeches" that the enemies will give hinting the player, but it was too late to implement.
I still like the idea, but required better execution.
Thanks for playing it!
Yeah, the mistake was making it a bit too challenging, because I dont think the player gets frustrated all at one moment, it is a pile of frustrations that add up way too much. Not able to escape, not able to cancel your load out selection, too few hitpoints on strong champions etc etc. So when you get to the actual meat of the game, figuring the strategy out, you mind is tired of all that frustration added.
But thanks for playin anyway Human, as always, super appreciated!
It looks BEAUTIFUL! from the beginning you can see it will be something cool. The UI looks so nice and sparkly, the levels up, etc. I had 2 problems, one is entirely my fault: I didn´t understand very well the system, I know that I can spend time, training, exploring, or meditating or playing and when im tired, rest. I did a lot of meditating, speeds, etc .I saw the levels going up but then i explore and I was killed by a crab 3 times in a row, 2 one-shots.. and then 2 shots killed me. (Before anything, I explored just to see what that was, I encountered a crab and I killed it, without training) So I didnt get it that much.
My second problem is all the text, since everything seems so nice the text pushed me away from the experience, im GLAD you added the speed button haha.
But this was a REALLY an impressive experience. GJ!
At his point, your games are fun guaranteed. Loved the game, I got ending 2 of 2. My only complaint, and it is minimal, is that the item that gives you out secrets, I don't think it is necessary, you made the secrets easy to find, having the item just feels unrewarding. But like I said, minimal complaint.
good job as always!
Congratulations to all the winners!!! For us, it was a great and positive experience.
For all who didn´t get on the top 3 (like us), its all part of a contest. The key is NOT GIVING UP. Listen (really listen) with an opened mind to all the feedback given, ask for it if you dont know what that feedback is.
Keep on deving!
Thank you for playing the game and thank you for the feedback. We think all the points you mentioned are absolutely true. Fortunately, a lot of them are corrected on the full game (like shift not costing you the whole round, it does not regenerate mp/hp though, that was done on this jam to make it worth it, a bit or having a more consistent plot). Mostly, was because of the lack of time and it was our first try on the MZ engine.
the sandstorms, as you mentioned it, we wanted to show are weather system, but yeah, missing is one of the most frustrating outcomes in any battle, but there was no many weathers you can exploit on a dessert, maybe if it was less punishing would've been better.
Also important to mention, this will be updated as the jam ends, as we want to add some to it (like a proper ending that shows why the are together in a campfire, add /edit animations (some of them doesnt even have sound) and overall, implement all the feedback given.
Glad to hear that all the critique you have given, you consider it small issues and overall you have a good experience. The full game first episode will launch episode will be released REALLY soon, hope you can play it.
Again, thanks!
KV! Love your detailed feedback as always. It is always appreciated. Im glad that you find so many positives things vs bad things. TBH I think there are some harsh feedback that can be given in this entry, but if you enjoyed it way more than complain about it, its great.
All the commodities like Va´s option off and the options menu was due to lack of time, it was going to be added(our main project has all that) but then we ran out of time, we couldn't polished it more (like some SE missing, ex: Teotls swing.) etc. The FPS counter, totally forgot to remove it from default, since I always disabled it with f2, our bad.
I think the one of the most common critics was the directionless of the game itself, player's didn't know where to go, some of them found it meh while most of them found it troublesome and frustrating. and yes, there was a reason why we didn't direct the player, but it was the wrong choice. After this is over we will add more things to make it a better free product and we will add direction for people who wants to progress.
Thank you so much for the feedback, we will release the ep 0 very soon, I would love to have your feedback on that game as well, since its a more polish product but it was done with MV not MZ, which you know has its drawbacks.
Again, thank you friend =)
Heeeeey! this was a pleasant surprise! game looks good but mostly your shifting animal mechanic make it reaaaally interesting.
The game definitively needs polish (understandable given the limited time) But you should keep expanding it, I really like it!
Question, what plug in you used for the brave mechanic? im looking for a skill that doesn't consume the players turn and that might help me.
Hi human!! As always, nice and detailed feedback. I agree that on a jam, random encounters might not be the best but since it is the main´s game prologue, we didnt want to have people confused with a total different battle encounter system.
But enemies lurking near treasure sounds an idea we could steal from you he he.
We also agree on your second point, regarding action sequencing needing some oompgh! We ran out of time so some details, were not implemented, one of them was polishing the action sequencing. Teotl´s basic attack doesn't even have a sound ha. But yeah, that will be fixed on the future.
About the weak and strong impact, yes, in 99% of the games, when you sea the word WEAK, you assume the enemy was weak to the attack, in this case, it was in reverse, so weak, meant the impact was weak and did less damage. This will be fixed in the future were the color of the pop ups will change and no confusing word will pop.
Thanks again friend!!
I have never enjoyed a platformer game or ABS game in rpg maker, the engine it is just not meant for it. B U T W O W! I really enjoyed yours. While it still has some problems with collision and stuff(the engine is hard for those type of games) everything else I loved, the sprites looks so nice, cute and fluid. Your maps are great visually and in design. Music and SFX are great too. I strongly recommend to switch engines, since everything else it is just waaaaayy to good.
Congratulations on your entry, an impressive one for sure =)
Hey! we are so glad that you have an overall fun experience!
I have always disliked an "Exit Game" on the start menu, BUT the game is for others to play not just for myself, so I´ll really consider adding that option. About the chibi sprite of Teotl, I wouldn't say it looks nothing like it but it is true, we are not quite there with that sprite, all of this was done specifically for the jam, so time was short, but yes, it needs more work.
Thank you for your feedback! After the jam is done we will launch the actual episode 0 (this jam is the prologue for that) so stay tuned!!
Glad to read this words, specially from someone as you, which tends to develop really cool games with high standards. Yeah, you pinpoint one of those flaws that I wasn't aware, the sound of Teotl´s attack is indeed missing =(.
But if, overall, we got a very good impression out of you, then its a win on our book!
Loved the game from start to finish, A bit easy on the boss side, once you figure out patterns, which aren´t that many.
But it was a super fun experience and the mechanics implemented were really nicely done.
Question, do you do more damage depending on how many items you have eaten? if not, that should be a must.
Great game!
Hi Wrath! This was quite interesting, the only thing I can complain is the controls being super annoying. Everything else i enjoyed. I liked the Dice Battle Mechanic. I kept the vampire dices through all the run, those are so cool!
The "continue" shouldn't heal you completely, feels a bit easy. Also, there was thi bug where the enemy can fall to minus hp and still play until they beat you, didn't happen often, like 2 times all the run.
Great entry, had so much fun.
Hi Kv!! VaroClaw here. Loved the custom art and diversity of the characters. Also, the simplicity (not having to menu or worry about EXP) was a refresher for me. Couldn't finish it cause I got stuck on the room where you need to trap the guards, felt a bit unfair to guess the correct order of the stars.
Cool entry!!