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(1 edit) (+1)

I'll give a throughout review, not because I disliked it, but because I loved the game and would like to see it improve

controls are tight as hell, it's great how accurate you can get if you use the controller, as I got my controller set up just for this game.

respawn times are amazingly quick, and levels don't overstay their welcome, which is good in my book, kinda makes it like super meat boy.

These are a few of the issues I had, but they by no means ruin the experience.

1. Momentum is completely reset when you bump into something, which ends up being a cheap way to cheat some of the challenges, and an annoying obstacle in others.

2.Hitboxes are kinda too punishing, I didn't know what hit me some of the time.

3. There's no way to tell if a carrot is fast or slow, you have to test it out.

4. Staircases are kinda annoying, as you often overshoot or undershoot.

Also, here's a few changes I would make, that are entirely up to you to implement.

A) make the mushroom's hitbox not expand as much when jumping

B) get rid of invisible walls, put spikes instead.

C) zoom the camera out, I would prefer to see everything in the level at once

D) change the aspect ratio

Loved the game, and spent some hours into finishing it, it was pretty rewarding. Love it!

I wholeheartedly hope you win. 


Also, on another note, I expected a joke game from the name, but I got an Edmund-worthy game. As some have pointed out, the name doesn't do the game justice.


Thanks :))


I agree. Ill add changes