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I'm getting Silent Hill PT flashbacks looking at that hallway lol

Looking forward to it


More like phasmophobia with kinky animations and ghost banishment feature.

(1 edit)

If you're making the player character a dude, I could really see some kinky 'banishment' features to add erotic material without having to rely on game-overs.

Personally I'm more a fan of female protag with male ghosts (I think you can do a lot with that combo and the fun stuff with ghosts and horror stories, using mirrors or even possessed household objects) but I'd be down for this as well
Edit - I think it'd be a good choice to make this more puzzle / intelligence based though, rather than lots of fighting like Ghost Hunter Vena. How to ID the type of ghost, triggers and then how best to banish it


Yeah, I reconsidered it and decided gave player a chance before game over screen.

I too think having a male protagonist would turn away people from this game so will make a post giving general idea of the game.

Gameplay wise it is going to be like phasmophobia. Player will have to find out ghost type from the list of 19 ghosts. They have to collect evidence to narrow down the list to 2-3 ghosts without getting hunted(fucked) by ghost. From there they have observe some other characteristics to confirm the ghost type and use correct method to capture it.