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A member registered Feb 01, 2020

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Wooo! Glad to see an update, especially more sex content!

I'm looking forward to seeing more! It's got the makings of a really good game!

OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics, 3000 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)


GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

Literally just copy-pasted from the system specs. I've never had a performance issue with this game personally.

The boss fight is fantastic, definitely the most fun I've had in the game so far, because the boss has some incredible animations and artstyle, and quite a wide variety of moves in combat.

They all already do (at least the masturbation does)

Just tried out the update and it's really good! Slime area is super hard because you don't seem to keep levels after each exploration (and loose all the equipment not in the first 5 slots even if you had 10 full up) but I'm liking how it's going. The sewers in particular add a nice change to the gameplay since you've got to plan around the fact that the enemy can and will stop you from running to a better place by sliming you, so there's no/less kiting enemies into boosters since once you take a hit (or even just go past the wrong place) you get stuck and have to fight it out.

The new changes to the way skills work is better IMO and I found the first area much smoother overall.

Still would like multi-stage enemy sex attacks and environmental 'sex attacks' like from the first game. Maybe if the clothes are ripped and/or the player's lust is already high they go through a cycle of images with different effects (kind of like how some enemies in the previous game had different 'attacks' for each stage of an H-attack), and maybe if stationary enemies had a grab move which, if not escaped from, would do a sex attack like environmental hazards in the first game, damaging clothes and increasing the tension a lot (and maybe adding a cum effect if they do, you know, finish, though that is wishful thinking on my part)

Anyway, I look forward to seeing the next update.

Okay awesome, sounds like the next demo will have some more stuff to play around with, I'll be keeping an eye out for the update then ;) 

Fabulous, thank you for getting back to me! 

Any update or are you still chugging away with it?

Love the demo so far, it's all-round a nice upgrade and continuation to Labyrinth. 

I do have to ask one question though - will there be more actual sex/penetration in the game? Since I remember there being some in Labyrinth (both in combat encounters and from the environmental hazards) and I think you could do something interesting here where enemies can exploit the player's tension (or alternatively to quickly increase it) to control the Player Character through longer (multi-turn) sex attacks.

Just a thought. I look forward to seeing where it'll go from here!

- Animation gallery is removed in 0.7.1, should be reintroduced in 0.7.2

- Yeah. I've been getting messages occasionally when I'm supposed to unlock a new scene. I presume this is just evidence of the coding being present but the images aren't in yet.

Okay great, thank you very much! I look forward to playing it

Hey LAGS, just wanted to ask where I can find the new content? I don't seem to be able to access any new content people are talking about, just the v.0.6.3 files from when I bought the game before. Has that file been updated?

Just wanted to check, since it seems there's been an update (according to itch it was 2 hours ago) but I can't see anything new.

Thank you, the new link works! 

This is a really fun game, and though I managed to crack the formula and game strat quickly I'm keen to see how it goes!

My only feedback atm is that you need a gallery, because the in-game little scenes, while cute, are quite small and only last a small time.

Also, the discord link is broken :) 

I really enjoyed the game so far. Is development likely to continue or has it been cancelled?

fair enough. Was just wondering

No luck with updating the game?

Would really like to see this idea taken further and made into a full game. I'd gladly pay for such a game, as the mechanics and animations are very satisfying.

Fun update! Good to see some more character sprites.

Update looks good! Character selection is a welcome addition personally. Everything works as it should, I can't really say anything on that other than good job!

I'm a little surprised by the addition of preferences personally, I assumed it would be that the player picks whoever they want to fight, though I suppose it means more sprite work for you if it was that way?

For the FUTA character, maybe change the symbol from just the female one to perhaps a combo of the male and female symbols? 

Changed KO mechanics is fine but honestly a mutual KO was pretty fun.

Oh yeah, that's fair enough. I had a feeling there were some but I didn't know for sure.

That sounds good!

Hey just wondering, can you provide patch/update notes with each new update? I don't know what is new otherwise.

Hey! So I really like the demo so far, it's just rock paper scissors but I love the twist with the naked sprites and (presumably down the line) sex scenes. 

Some feedback so far:

- Some characters (G? I think? The one with mind 5) can end the battle super quickly because they can deal massive damage even on a trade (eg - scissors and scissors) and win even if they don't get most of their picks right. Might be just me

- It can be hard to tell who is who with the spirited models currently. Yes the text tells you, but I'd suggest maybe having your character's named and the opponent's name under or in their respective profile images.

- Mutual KO is a strange concept in RPS but very funny. I like to think the first sprite would be the two opponents laid out on the ground and the second is the audience having fun with them, but that's just me.

- Character select would be very useful (and planned, I'm sure), as atm I haven't been able to get both sprite characters to fight yet, though I did get G vs G, which is very funny.

A question:

- Will there be male characters? At least one anyway, I'm straight so seeing male x female is more attractive to me than female x female. Just curious, I'm happy to see where it goes.

That's alright, I just felt it wouldn't be alright to make it instant death. 

I'm curious to see how it'll turn out! If you need any more stuff with the dialogue, let me know, I'm happy to help

Instant death is not a good idea honestly. Just my 2 cents

I really like these games, but there's a big flaw in that your progress isn't saved. Grind to level 10, unlock all sex scenes and abilities, and want to finish the game? Tough, go back to the beginning and unlock everything again. 

This is a major flaw in the game design, free or otherwise.

Some of the most fun I've had playing a game in ages. Just the sheer joy of chewing through dozens of mooks is incredible, and that goes double for the debug vs 50 enemies (beat a chain of 450 combo hits, I challenge anyone), even if I did end up dying and losing all the current progress and money saved up for sex scenes.

The only downsides so far are the lack of a permanent gallery (though the 'brothel' system for the sex scenes instead is a unique twist) and lack of saves, though I'm sure both will be addressed in the future.  

What a fun game

(1 edit)

If you're making the player character a dude, I could really see some kinky 'banishment' features to add erotic material without having to rely on game-overs.

Personally I'm more a fan of female protag with male ghosts (I think you can do a lot with that combo and the fun stuff with ghosts and horror stories, using mirrors or even possessed household objects) but I'd be down for this as well
Edit - I think it'd be a good choice to make this more puzzle / intelligence based though, rather than lots of fighting like Ghost Hunter Vena. How to ID the type of ghost, triggers and then how best to banish it

Honestly I'd be a little disappointed if the Aurora Rose skin doesn't get in, it seems like much more of a unique skin compared to the others (though the spy and nurse suits look great too)

(1 edit)

Nice, I look forward to it ;)


1 - No worries, there's a lot in here already and I'm sure it's only going to get better 

2 - I'm an idiot, I didn't even think to click on the keybinds themselves to change them. 

3 - Nice, I look forward to it!

I didn't know about the jewels / upgrades, thanks for clarifying!

So, it's been a while, I was very happy to play the newest version and find it's really awesome. The dialogue is much improved, the shop is a welcome bonus (shopkeeper sex? :wink:, also her dialogue is funny sometimes) and the game plays buttery smooth. I don't think I've had a bug, performance drop, or crash. It's brilliant. 

Also, masturbation is a great addition. All the new sex scenes are at least good and most are great (I love the new 2 skeleton gangbang particularly), and having the Annie sex animations is great.

I do have some suggestions:

- Bat enemy can have sex with annie. I can get one to her in stage four, so...

- Bats would also be perfect for gangbangs. Just FYI

- Gangbangs with multiple types of enemy, if possible. And Annie Gangbangs if possible, seeing as you can get loads of egg enemies to spawn. I get that this would be a lot of work so no worries if it's too much.

- Ability to change keybinds. This is important because I'm still working off of the old keybinds so I occasionally muck things up, so keybinds would give any player greater flexibility and comfort when playing.

- Some more puzzles would be nice, especially unique ones, especially if they don't involved 'run to door before timer runs out' because that can get tedious if there's a lot of them. Just be creative, you got this.

Okay, I lied, there was one bug:

- When in the shop, you can still 'buy' an outfit for Annie that you already own, costing you jewels

You've done a great job with the rebuild so far, I can't wait to see what else comes!

Some more ideas I had after playing 0.11 a bit (I'm day 80 and was somewhat inspired, as you might guess):

- Multiple modifiers, similar to the ones already present - positive and negative modifiers which you can activate before starting a game. So, a good one would be 'stoic' in which the girls take less HP loss from all sources, while a negative one would be 'picked over' which decreases the chance of finding something while exploring. Just some ideas, and it would be nice if you could have multiple active at once.

- TLC - An action when one of the characters is infected, which slows the HP loss.

- Some commentary from the characters (maybe below the option selection menu, see below) but also when describing actions. Like cleaning themselves, how nice it is to get rid of the cum. Also, other characters react to break ins other than the one being fucked. More dialogue in general.

-Resting should heal Raven slightly more than meditation does, so there's incentive to use it as well. 

- Darts should increase/decrease boredom less than reading does when there's only one person doing it.

- Medkit should heal multiple people when they use 'heal self' at the same time, because it's a big medkit

- Unique polaroids for whichever enemy fucked a girl while exploring.  If there's time.

- Girls have a small chance to find clothes for another girl if one is missing clothes.

- Even more events and general dialogue. I'd be happy to write some. Maybe you could ask players for suggestions? A discord server would be useful for this (amongst other things) too

- Ability to turn in-game music on or off.

- An indicator of which expeditions have been visited and are incomplete. Better yet, a progress thing to show how far along you are (so 4/5, for example. You could obscure the progress though, if you want to, with question marks, or 4/???, for example)

- Character or character ability to barricade the barricade beyond what other characters can. Either does it faster or can stack another layer of boards. 

- More regular female characters. Please, I don't like femboys or dickgirls. Or even just a graphics change to hide their male parts.

- (Better?) Repeatable expeditions, like to a shopping mall for food, a water tower for water, etc. Though these seem to exist in the game/are planned, some different ones would be cool. Maybe they could use the new 'capture' mechanic to a higher degree (as bandits would be more likely to protect this) so the player has to offset taking a weapon (protection from being captured) vs a backpack (more supplies but risk of being captured). 

- Survivor community. Though it's difficult to get to once unlocked (requiring an expedition to visit each time), you might be able to trade with a survivor community of more girls and some guys to trade resources and information. You can also unlock more expeditions and unique items from here by trading some items (eg: a stero, because that can be replaced.)

- Destroyed survivor community - a short but very valuable expedition, the survivor camp has been raided and destroyed by raiders, zombies, or whoever. There's many supplies and eventually a survivor.

- Instruction manual outside the game / in the menu. Can be accessed for information, and sections unlock as the player unlocks them (eg - 'how to rescue a character', when a character gets captured)

- Small Noticeboard - when found, it shows the player what character is assigned to what at a glance, without having to open the character menus, including while they're actually out of the cabin and marks if they're missing with a '???' Maybe pin it by the door? It might be superfluous but I think it'd be a cool addition.

- Characters should return from expeditions if they get fucked or encounter an obstacle, so there's no wasted time.

- Map gets little annotations or pins when new locations/expeditions are discovered. No real purpose, but it would be a nice detail.

- Very small chance for a tentacle monster to fuck whoever is fishing. I dunno, might be a nice touch.

- A thing that says "are you sure you want to overwrite?" when you click on a save, and override it. Happened to me a couple of times.

- Special event on Day 69. Like, come on, it's both a sex joke and the name of the game. 

Also a bug report:

- When playing the 'always raider' challenge, there weren't always raiders every evening.

- Scarlet doesn't have text (or if she does, it doesn't display) when masturbating with Juniper and Raven at the same time

- No 'hungry' text when the character is low food, but there is a 'thirsty' when the character is low water. Only applies sometimes.

- No scroll bar or ability for the 'rescue a character' instructions, as the bottom line or two is cut off

- Text bug when rescuing. Says 'rescued scarlet' when it was Juniper who was captured.

- Central hospital not marked as completed when it has been

- No text when going back to the central hospital for more medkits.

- No idea if it's a bug or just bad luck, but the trader offered nothing but food for water every time he came over. Maybe set it so he's more likely to offer what the player is shortest of?

- Research Lab remains available even after completed, and the last dialogue plays even if Amber is freed.

- Not sure if it's a bug or not, but late-game, masturbation need goes up fast

- Amber's dialogue is bugged. Sometimes it doesn't show, and one time it showed Raven's perspective of Raven x Amber masturbation.

- Sometimes nothing happens on an expedition. No reward, no text. Just wasted time.

I hope that this wasn't too long, and that some of it helps! I really like the new update and how it plays currently. 

Fair enough, thank you!

Okay, I got a couple of ideas after the new update, one of which I think is essential.

The first (and most important) is having the name of the image at the bottom of the polaroid when you view it. 

Second is that every expedition capture should have a unique image, because that would be really cool.

that is a good idea!

Heya! Haven't seen much from this outside the android updates and was curious to see how things were going. Glad to see there's progress! 

Just wanted to say that if you need some more dialogue or some spelling or grammar checks, I'm happy to help

Gonna be honest, I would love to see more. Twitter vids got me hyped because those are some cool sex scenes, but the demo only has 2 + 1 in game anim