Version 1 fishnished ! (huhuhu)
It's called "pond of the unfinshingable", and it's like a memory BUT :
- different fishes have different values,
- each turn, the active player use one of four possibles items
- some items costs points, other cost nothing.
- the game end in 8 turns
- each player have the same 12 cards starting-deck, but at the end 4 of them won't be used.
- let's be honest : there's a lot of some luck, and some of a lot of strategy and carefull timing. Just like real fishing !
So you can say it's a pretty accurate fishing-simulation... : D
Trigger warning : might contain some roughly translated english. Sorry for that : ).
Enjoy !
Thanks ^^.
Each player must play a card on each turn (because cards are like a time-counter for this game). And all they are allowed to do is written on the item they use (this way, it allow specials actions where the player can't flip any-cards for a turn). But most of the items alow to flip 2 or more cards anyway (the "vanilla" ones allow only that and cost nothing).