Hi mate.
Sorry to say but myBad Studios is no longer on the Asset Store. All the assets still work as before and everything is still the same as always... the only difference being all our assets can now be found only on our website (mybadstudios.com ) and on here.
None of our assets will be released on the Asset Store ever again. Existing Asset Store customers can download updates from our website but the Asset Store and us have gone our separate ways.
As for not needing a unitypackage any more, well, the login asset has a pretty comprehensive all-in-one ready made prefab that you can just skin and use as is... or redo completely, as you see fit... but the WordPress plugin is not dependent on Unity to work. As long as you send it the right params when you call it and you have a CML parser to parse the results then these kits can in fact work on any platform. Considering I have only written a CML parser for C#6 that limits the additional platforms to .NET platforms(I'd think. Welcome to prove me wrong! :D ). Sooooo, technically, no, it doesn't NEED the unitypackage (just the WP plugin(s) and the CML parser)... but the Unity prefab(s) sure speed up getting started... :)
Thanks for reaching out. :)