So overall, you really can't go wrong with a concept like this and the artwork on display here only becomes the cherry atop the sundae.
The mechanics are simple and easy to understand, with the basic premise being that you're attempting to stage a prison escape while dodging catgirls, robots, and robotic catgirls who are trying to recapture you while you make your way towards freedom. You try to fight off the guards by having the highest number, with some items and abilities giving you an edge depending on the type of enemy you're fighting. Overall, nothing you can't really get after a quick once-over on the rules.
The visuals in this game are honestly pretty great, even if it's just a prototype atm. Characters are distinct, adorable, and memorable, items run the gamut from expected (shotguns, cattle prods) to amusing (laser pointers that prevent an enemy from attacking), and all the text listed therein is clear, organized, with minimal dead space and an art style that I would love to see more of if the game ever gets an expansion at some point in the future.
Overall, you generally can't go wrong with monstergirls in general, but the mechanics, artwork, and comedy displayed therein really makes it a hard game to pass up if you're in the mood for a card game to play during a game night or two.