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Neat! Almost broke 300.

Gameplay wise I really liked how all the enemies were completely different from each other. I guess swapping flame and skelly healths would have made more sense since the flames were always visible and therefore it would have made sense for em to be the tankiest. And god damn those spiders were deadly. The best strategy seemed to be swing the torch around and when you see and enemy, swap to the gun to dispose it (moving towards it too) and then swap back to torch and scout out your back as there's sure to be a spider gnawing at your back any second.

Which brings me neatly to the gameplay point I didn't really like at all. And that's how you bound the swapping to different keys. Just having one button swap between them would have been way less finger athletics for the left hand. And I'd even consider binding that swap to right mouse button too. Would more balance out the work both hands were doing.

Guess I lied, now got even closer to 300. And this time my strategy was mainly running around the map kiting the mobs around. Pretty good strategy too but the spiders can be still as deadly as always.

Really don't understand how that swap delay worked. Would have been nice to have it been indicated somehow instead of requiring mashing the change button on wait. And no idea what the light ring either really did. What makes it grow and shrink?

And speaking of the light ring, that was the thing that most looked out of place compared to everything else. That was blurry as the raytraced shadows were sharp and pixel art was nice and crisp. The art was simple but nice and did it's job well. The raytraced shadows were kinda hit and miss in their functionality. Sometimes they just didn't work. I know, math is hard! 😅

The start of the game is annoyingly slow. It really takes the wind out from your sails when going for a retry. But even though I will, I must break that magical 300 barrier...

Here we go! 😎

The scoring could be more interesting too. Seems like a weird choice that all the enemies are worth the same and same as you gain every second doing nothing. Something spicier like getting a multiplier for killing multiple enemies without switching or something would give it more strategy and replay value in score hunting. And obviously as I mentioned, the difficulty would need to ramp up a bit quicker.

Anyways, good job! 👍

(1 edit)

Thank you for the detailed feedback, I 100% agree with everything you said and ill keep them in mind! Im glad you enjoyed the game and took some time to give some suggestions :D

By the way, I believe the light around the player shrinks and grows randomly, it was meant to add some variety but I think it was a bit too much, and the shadows and lighting could've been a bit more polished as well