I love the retro aesthetic, although the camera was maybe a bit too warpy at the corner, it made me nauseous to look down.
The clown was funny when I saw it on the drone but the squeaking was a lot scarier when it was chasing me. I like that I had to go around two corners to lose it because it seemed to search where it last saw me.
The signs on the walls were excellent. It reminds me of Portal 2 with all that game's wall signs and graffiti and whatnot. It makes the game's world feel a lot more lived in and is a great way (imo) to convey lore.
Also, the help you gave for the game on the game's page isn't visible to anyone on the rating page; I made the same mistake. It makes the need for a tutorial in game jams like these a lot more important because most people probably won't go to the game's official page where the description is shown.
Overall a nice atmospheric horror game.