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Wow, that was super neat! I absolutely love the concept. You guys have executed the idea really well!

The only thing I personally felt was that the pathfinding of the enemies could have been improved. I really loved the glitchy enemies tho, they were fun to play against. 

Another suggestion, this is a very personal opinion tho, I felt the wait time between the enemy hits below zero health and then turns glitchy can be reduced. I found myself camping an enemy until he respawned back as the glitchy version so that I could kill it again. This disrupted the otherwise quick and fast gameplay...maybe having the enemy transform immediately  without a wait time is something you can try. More about how you want the game to be balanced.

Well done team, this is a super polished and fun entry! Good shit!

Thanks for the detailed feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game.

We ran into a few scope issues, so the gameplay might not be as polished as it could be - we’ll definitely take your suggestions into account when making improvements post-igdc :)