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Semi-on-the-fly remarks:
  1. Controls are QWERTY-only instead of layout-independent (I have an AZERTY keyboard), BUT arrow keys are enabled.
  2. The scenery is super cute! Especially the ‘wall’ background, and the flowers veneered on the ground. :)
  3. Cartoony jump sound, feels right.
  4. I like the trash physics.
  5. The music apparently does not loop.
  6. Ah, it looks like the player character experiences a first stop before touching the ground, after falling; this can be a bit confusing for playability. Although you can jump again right after said first stop.
  7. OH!!! Only at the end of level 1 do I realize the ‘trash’ was a coffin all along!! <:o Shady! XD
    ‘First you kill me’: this is even worse than I thought! The contrast between the sweet scenery, joyful music and this is quite something. XD I like the humour.
  8. I like the vertical/ascending phase from level 2.
  9. Level 3; there is also blood on the player character, actually. X)
  10. Perspective is not always easy to get, especially on the vertically moving small white ‘squares’ in level 3.
    My God, it does make level 3 super hard… :o
    I lost an insane amount of times because of this!
  11. Another piece of advice: the character is viewed exactly from the side, but tilting him just a little (so that we see both legs) would help getting the perspective. (The shadow already helps.)
  12. Another idea: add a vertically projected shadow.
  13. Found a bug: if you go through the background, you fall infinitely without losing. X)
  14. Finally beat evil level 3!!! With some fright at the end: the white E indication was poorly visible because of the white platform! :o X) Maybe change the colour or add a (black?) outline.
  15. One final bug: clicking the main menu button after beating level 3 does not send me back to the menu.

Takeaway: cute ironic platform game that plays well, except for the (big!) perspective issue in level 3. I would have just liked the ghost to have had taken some part in the gameplay, as it would have added originality and a theme-oriented twist to your game, and more variety to an otherwise classic platformer. I did not expect the dark humour contrast at all, this may be one of the salient features of the game! X)

Thanks for the (very harsh in level 3!!) time with the game. :)


Thank you for all the feedback!