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alright. the bar at the top will drop when the dj changes the color in your room you have until the bar is gone to hit the same color button on the desk in front of you.

whenever you hear "youve been a naughty boy" check the cameras for the tiger standing at one of the vents in the hallway cameras. Hit the sound button to scare her off. she will burn the vents if your too late and if she burns all of them you loose. Next the other little tablet on the left side of you (its within your starting distance you cant actually turn left) do a scan and block the door to whatever one has the ! mark on it. if failed to do so they bandit animatronic will steal the gem and youll loose. There is a door on your right that can have 2  outcomes from what ive experienced so far. theres a big dog looking thing that idk what actually does but you get to either accept or decline the order. idk what happenes if you decline but if you accept nothing happens. And there can be a little cat that if clicked on will make you pet its head until its happy but everything will still be going on in the backround. This is all i know so far. good luck

thanks thats really helpful, im not getting the voiceline you're talking about for some reason, and losing the gem seems to do nothing for me in the .7 preview, ill report those bugs on the discord, thanks