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Is the mood thing still messed up on asuramon? I've tried everything and it keeps trying to go into marsmon

(2 edits)

I'm assuming you want an evolution that needs "Indifferent" mood. Just to clear things up. Indifferent is this face:

Not to be confused with NEUTRAL, which is the default starting emotion.

If you're not doing that face at the time he evolves, then you won't get what you want. Also if you're using items to bump your digimon's level, special xp and whatnot, he might get a different emotion during this process.

Vulcanusmon = Asuramon Lvl 80 + Indifferent mood + 30000 Machine Xp

ahhhhh see I got 5000 Mac from the evo guide. Thank you

credit to Esley youtube channel, check it out in the comment section, translate to english, got it from there