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Mr. Bear

A member registered Jun 15, 2020

Recent community posts

No way I'm gonna run some random ass exe from itch as admin.

You need to use two tamer skills in order to get the abilities for the respective jogress digimon.

That's what we all say... Let's see if you can say that again after the 20th try or if the attempts start to all blur together as if you're going insane.

Way too many. (Between 1 and 50 fights, with the 50th being a guaranteed drop)

This "advice" is utter crap:

His complains are mostly focused early game. Swap Stones are very late game items.

The methods suggested for getting max stats are literally exploits and warp Evo is also a mid to late game thing.

It's like you provided "advice" without actually understanding what the post is about.

That's still not an evolve button...

There's no evolve button. You just have to get good.

The thing is, with bosses there is a strategy to be learned and that's kind of fun for the first couple fights, the problem is that you gotta do 10+ fights to beat the damn thing a single time which really extends its welcome by a mile.

None of the bosses are fun imo, Titamon in particular is an exercise in "Am i gonna get stun locked by it's minions this time?" and it's rare drop is ridiculously rare for the unfun grind you gotta tolerate with him.

But in all seriousness, there isn't a way to look at the drop chances or anything like that. Your best bet if you wanna grind dropped items is to bring a digimon with super low attack as even a 1 hp damage can drop an item mid fight. 

You can also try challenges as they unlock more items from the store. 

get rekt

As for the comment itself, i can't really disagree with it, the most boring time i've had in this game is with boss fights, they extend their welcome way too much and after doing it once i don't wanna do another one ever again, except i will do them again because the drops it gives are pretty invaluable, so i am forced to do something that's not fun, unlike Dungeon, which at least is a spectacle seeing your digimon beat endless waves of enemies.

Ah i see, you meant "devs from other games" in general. Got it.

...What other devs?

I forgive you, but can you forgive yourself?

Fight them and they drop data.

Do it again.

I mean, either that or you can try changing its attribute, prefer the unknown attribute, grind it in dungeon, use max status digimon plus leader skill.

That digimon is bugged atm.

digimon needs to be happy to warp evolve.

and how are leader skils helpful in the championship?

Begging is very frowned upon...

No problem, i can understand your confusion since the game never really tells you any of this important information, only AFTER you unlock the damn thing.

It's a 5 star challenge, the ones with the golden background. Once you complete that the menu for leader/tamer skills will be unlocked.

You need to clear the challenge "Leaders Advantage".

(2 edits)

I'm assuming you want an evolution that needs "Indifferent" mood. Just to clear things up. Indifferent is this face:

Not to be confused with NEUTRAL, which is the default starting emotion.

If you're not doing that face at the time he evolves, then you won't get what you want. Also if you're using items to bump your digimon's level, special xp and whatnot, he might get a different emotion during this process.

No, there's no "recommended points" for your digimon. 

The "power" on free battles reflects roughly their overall stats, that means that a digimon with 100 power will have 100 attack/defense/etc.

This is the third time you repeat that your champion digimon did a thing that your ultimate cannot do, i get it. There isn't much point saying how it works (besides, i don't know) because what you gotta do is train your ultimate digimon more, eventually his stats will catch up with his new form and it'll start dealing greater damage than your champion did.

train more

Game can have some weird scaling early game like that. It means your stats are not high enough for your new evolved form. Just keep training.

This becomes a non-issue later in the game.

The same as with any other digicore.